View Full Version : Made a friend

Greg Tatum
02-21-2005, 10:30 PM
I just got back from the Philippines on a trip to meet my wife's family.....while I was there I checked out a roadside woodworking operation....Here is a pic of Mr. Armando Lopez and his tablesaw and jointer.....while the work he turns out is top notch, watching him use these tools is simply scarey :eek: OSHA who?

The pics of his work didn't turn out which is disapointing but I did score some interesting off-cuts from his scap pile...the only name I can remember is for the yellow one...it is from a jackfruit tree....the photos don't do justice to the colors but one is pink one yellow and the other is orange...I got some others like narra, and mohogany too.

This man was so gracious he invited my wife and me into his home. He showed off some beautiful furniture he made as well as the floor and stairs out of beautiful hardwoods that look like jatoba but not quite...maybe merbau?...woodworkers are universally good people, I believe.

Had a good time and can't wait to go back. Just thought I would share.


Jerry Clark
02-21-2005, 10:40 PM
Beautiful wood-- like the color-- What does he use for finish??

Jeff Sudmeier
02-22-2005, 8:14 AM
Great looking wood there! I too belive that woodworkers are universally good people. We met one person on vacation that was a woodworker he was also very friendly.

Keith Christopher
02-22-2005, 11:34 AM
Hehe, this will just go to prove Bob Smalser stand that most of us are collecting tools. When you look at that table saw it looks like a Armando Lopez. It's so amazing to think of all the times I go, man if I only had ... and here is a guy who is just knocking it out with minimal tools and making "...some beautiful furniture..."

Yep woodworkers are great people. Did you give him an invite to the creek ?
