View Full Version : Evolution of the Beast

David DeCristoforo
08-23-2011, 11:12 PM
So my pyracantha root ball "beast" has, as many predicted, continued to warp and distort as it dries out. It's barely held together now, by a small bit of epoxy. I would not be at all surprised to find in in pieces one of these days...


PS Sorry about the crappy cell phone pics!

Eric Gourieux
08-23-2011, 11:43 PM
Wow! That must have been a beast to turn. If you posted about this previously, I missed it. You've got a very unique piece there.

Baxter Smith
08-23-2011, 11:49 PM
Just goes to show that beasts from the wild can't be trusted or tamed no matter how hard one tries!:D (I was hoping you would post a follow up. Thanks!)

Marty Eargle
08-23-2011, 11:52 PM
Again, you defied physics to get that middle section to hold on.

Very unique and stunning piece...can't wait for the finished product.

David DeCristoforo
08-23-2011, 11:57 PM
"...can't wait for the finished product...."

Hate to break it to ya but this is the "finished product"! I don't think it's going to move much more and it's too fragile to do any more work on. So what you see is what you get...

ray hampton
08-24-2011, 12:04 AM
this is simply amazing, two of these would sell quick if it were possible to made another one

Marty Eargle
08-24-2011, 12:10 AM
Ah, I couldn't tell by the photos if you had put an oil/finish on it or not. I wouldn't dare think you'd risk changing that form anymore...not that you should.

Kathy Marshall
08-24-2011, 12:35 AM
The more it moves the more I like it! Just a really cool beast!

Rick Markham
08-24-2011, 2:01 AM
David, I'm with Kathy, something about the movement makes it even cooler. Enjoy it while it lasts (hopefully for a very long time.) It's a little strange watching something you tried to make as perfect as possible slowly slip into imperfection. Most of us spend all of our time trying to produce the perfect form, it's different experience for sure! I think it's a fantastic Beast... one that is getting more beastly by the day!

David DeCristoforo
08-24-2011, 10:01 AM
It's second rate compared to that madrone HF you posted a while back. Now that was some distortion!

Rick Markham
08-24-2011, 2:27 PM
It's second rate compared to that madrone HF you posted a while back. Now that was some distortion!

That form (I think) has finally stopped moving, it continued to move and shrink for a couple weeks after I took those pictures. I really like the end product, but it was hard to watch the process LOL

Chris Burgess
08-24-2011, 2:30 PM
Still a great piece. I am with the rest. Sometime movement is a great thing.