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Butch Collins
02-21-2005, 2:02 PM
I am mostly a lurker. It seems I have more to learn than to offer :o. According to LOML it seems like I spend most of my shop time acquiring tools and organizing them, building shop cabinets and such :rolleyes:. Well it was time for one of her projects to prove I could actually make something. Attached are some photos of a southwestern trash bin for the kitchen. LOML loves Kokopelis. Next will be a matching bread box. Comments welcome.

Ken Fitzgerald
02-21-2005, 2:12 PM
Butch.....Welcome to the 'Creek! I like your trash bin! Great finish and detail. The "Kodopelis" is that an inlay? Great work!

David Wilson
02-21-2005, 2:12 PM
Looking good. Very nice design and exicution.

Doug Shepard
02-21-2005, 2:52 PM
Welcome. I recognized Kokopelis right away. I've been doing some research on SW Indian symbols and motifs, looking for some ideas to inlay into a jewelry box for my sister. Coincidently, she also lives in Gilbert - moved out there about 5 yrs ago from MI.

Butch Collins
02-21-2005, 3:02 PM
The Kokopeli is actually an overlay. Not sure I am quite ready for the inlay. The pattern I used is from one of Patrick Spielman's book called Southwestern scrollsaw patterns. I have been living in Gilbert for 13 years now and have seen it grow from 42,000 to 160,000. Property values have skyrocketed and the traffic is unbelievable, streets cannot keep up with the growth.

Jeff Sudmeier
02-21-2005, 3:20 PM
Butch, it looks great... Wonderful job on the overlay. That is a utility project that will be around for years to come.

Michael Ballent
02-21-2005, 4:09 PM
Welcome to Creek and it is nice to see a fellow Arizonan in here :D The trash bin is too purdy to be putting trash in though ;) but congrats on getting a project completed. I know it's been tough to get out to the shop with all the rain we have been having out here. I heard on the radio this morning that if it were to completely stop raining until August that we would be at normal rainfall... sheesh. Might as well move to Oregon ;)

Jim Becker
02-21-2005, 4:11 PM
Butch, that's really great! A few projects like this once in awhile will keep the "boss" happy!

Carl Eyman
02-21-2005, 4:13 PM
Well, That ought to keep her quiet. Great work.