View Full Version : Old Delta Table Saw/Jointer combo

Carl Martin
02-21-2005, 2:01 PM
My father gave me an old Delta table saw/jointer combo machine. I think it was made in the '50s, but it's under a bunch of other stuff in his shop and I couldn't get a good look at it. Dad said it was working when he replaced it, and that all it should need is a good cleaning. I'm a beginner hobbyist (starting late in life) with no other table saw, so here's my chance - I hope to clean it up and use it in my own shop.

I'll know more about it when I get it home, but one thing I know is that the table tilts instead of the blade. Are there any particular advantages or disadvantages to a tilting table vs. a tilting blade? Is setup and alignment easier or harder? It seems to me that a big disadvantage is that it makes it difficult to design an infeed/outfeed system for it. Anything else I should keep in mind?

He's also giving me a small collection of planes and some other hand tools that belonged to his dad. I may have to learn a lot more about tool restoration that I ever imagined, but it'll be pretty cool working with tools that my grandfather used.

Thanks for any insight or comments,


Peter Gavin
02-21-2005, 4:06 PM

FIrst of all wlecome to the Creek. If you've been lurking you've already found out what a great site it is. I can't help you with your equipment, but I'll give you the most important advice I've learned since starting wood working again (late in life)...... Just Do It. If you get caught up in all the latest tools and having everything just so, you'll never get started on makng anything. Set up your equipment and make sure you know how to use it safely and you'll be able to do just about anything you desire. As your desires grow you may want/need to upgrade or purchase new 'stuff', but don't put the cart before the horse.



Wes Bischel
02-21-2005, 5:34 PM
Welcome to the Creek!

As to the saw and jointer, check out this site, Old Woodworking Machines, for more info on your model:


Also, there is a discussion group associated with the site - there is a link on that page.

Good luck,