View Full Version : Beads of Courage box

Kathy Marshall
08-20-2011, 6:35 AM
After seeing all of the Beads of Courage boxes that have been posted, and reading about the program on the SWAT site, I decided I wanted to turn and donate a box. I'm not able to attend SWAT this year, but Scott Hackler has graciously agreed to take the box to SWAT for me :D if I could get it to him in time.

Tonight was the home stretch since I plan on shipping it out on Saturday, which is also our club meeting day. So between finishing the box and finishing up some pieces to take to the meeting, I didn't make it out of the shop until almost 2am :eek:
Since the boxes are for kids, I decided to go a little wacky and hopefully create something a kid would enjoy. I can say that it's unique, as for anything else all bets are off.

The body is mesquite, a little over 6" wide and about 5" tall, turned in a round bowl shape and finished with BLO and WOP. No flat spots, including the bottom. It weebles, it wobbles, it spins, and it doesn't fall over, but it does lean just a bit. There was a punky void which I filled with epoxy and turquoise and apparently the weight difference is just enough to make it a little heavier on one side.

The lid is walnut finished with Dark Walnut DO and shellac, inset with ceramic beads and the knob is figured walnut inset with a turquoise peace sign. This is actually the 2nd lid. The 1st one was similar but had a different shape on top, and had bright colored beads, but didn't fit as well and I just wasn't happy with it. So when I got home from work today, I got busy and turned #2 and managed to get a few coats of shellac on. I only wish I had a few more days so I could have finished it with WOP.
The knob is the original one I made for lid #1, when I finished lid #2 I started to make another knob (thought a shorter one would be better), even got as far as chucking up another piece of figured walnut, but it was getting so late that I just decided, to heck with it, and used knob #1

Height from bottom of bowl to top of knob is about 10". It won't win any beauty contest, but hopefully it will find a home with a kid that's in to wacky, and likes an oddball little box.

Thanks for looking!
As always comments and critiques, snickers, laughs and guffaws are welcome.

Steve Vaughan
08-20-2011, 7:47 AM
That's a neat little funky bowl right there! Love the grain and color. Not a fan of the beads, but the more I look at it, the more I like it. It is unique and cool. It is funky!

John Keeton
08-20-2011, 7:53 AM
Kathy, you have created quite the whimsical piece, here!! I really like the form and the accentuated knob. Great embellishments, too. This one will be a crowd pleaser.
...apparently the weight difference is just enough to make it a little heavier on one side.Now, I know why I don't look quite upright when I look in the mirror - it is the extra pounds that for some reason have settled to the right of center just above my belt!!!:D

David E Keller
08-20-2011, 11:30 AM
Neat box, Kathy! I think some kid is gonna love that! Kudos to you for taking the time to do it!

Tim Thiebaut
08-20-2011, 11:55 AM
Great looking box Kathy, love the peace symbol and the detailing.

Steve Schlumpf
08-20-2011, 2:15 PM
This is really cool! I like your idea of adding beads! It embellishes the wood and provides a different texture at the same time! Also like your idea of having the bottom of the piece round! That will create some smiles when the lucky owner uses it!! Very nice work!!

Scott Hackler
08-20-2011, 3:05 PM
Nice work Kathy and thanks for participating in the cause. I can't wait to get it in the mail so I can see and hold it in person.

Kathy Marshall
08-21-2011, 3:17 AM
Thanks for the kind comments everyone!
It was fun to just experiment a little and see what would appear.

Larry Pickering
08-21-2011, 1:31 PM
I'm sure the kid who gets this box will think it's real cool.The name Beads of Courage, is misnamed, it should be Kids of Courage.