View Full Version : Elm HF in progress

Bill Bolen
08-19-2011, 5:05 PM
A new for me form that I have been playing around with for a few weeks. I wanted a large base and an overall form that felt squashed. Sorta like dropping a ball of Play doe from the roof to a concrete walk (hope that made sense). This one is a piece of Elm crotch with a deep bark inclusion.Still pretty wet with a moisture content hovering around 30%. The CA soaked bark inclusion makes me a bit nervous of this piece making it. From past pieces an inclusion on Elm is usually very deep and bark filled. Major opening of the crack can ruin the piece. So I have one soaking coat of home brew DO inside and out. Just trying to slow down the rate of moisture loss without bagging it. It is 13 ½” wide and 5 ½” tall with a huge foot. Hollowing that low shoulder got a bit exciting with some tool chatter. I used my ¾” bar to reach the corner but still had a bit of chatter going on out there. Once completed I’ll re-post but for now it is a ways from being completed. Thoughts and comments are appreciated and sought…Bill…

David E Keller
08-19-2011, 5:47 PM
That's neat, Bill! Great color, and I like the form... I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

wes murphy
08-19-2011, 6:34 PM
Nice piece, Bill. That wood color is great. Cool form, too.

George Morris
08-19-2011, 6:55 PM
Very nice! The form is not the usual but reminds me of a pc. of potery! Elm sure is stinky!G

Roger Chandler
08-19-2011, 7:14 PM
Interesting Bill.........not your norm, but different is good sometimes.

Steve Vaughan
08-19-2011, 8:31 PM
That's great looking! Love the form and you must have actually dropped the playdoh from the roof to use as the pattern...looks just like I'd imagine it to. Beautiful color and grain!

charlie knighton
08-19-2011, 8:42 PM
Bill, very nice, i like the next to last picture, it really looked squashed in it

Jeff Nicol
08-19-2011, 8:51 PM
Bill, I have to say it is definitely a bit of a change from your norm! The wood is just beautiful and the grain and colors are spectacular! I like the form, but I may have made the foot a little smaller to make it look like it is floating a little more. It reminds me of some ancient potery forms used by natives on different continents. I think the form will help you to stave off any real bad warping, but with Elm and crotch wood who knows!

Nice fairly large piece,


Cathy Schaewe
08-19-2011, 9:48 PM
It's different, but in a good way. The wood is gorgeous -

Curt Fuller
08-19-2011, 9:59 PM
Bill that is a spectacular piece of wood and I think that form you've done really shows it off. I'm thinking that there is enough good solid wood to hold it together that the bark inclusion won't give you any problems. But it sure adds to the interest in the wood. Very nice!

Baxter Smith
08-19-2011, 10:02 PM
The form may have to grow on me a bit but the wood doesn't! Great looking piece of wood and the form shows off the grain and colors very well!

Michelle Rich
08-20-2011, 6:46 AM
Bill ..I think you nailed the shape you wanted to achieve..very pretty wood too.

John Keeton
08-20-2011, 7:37 AM
Sorta like dropping a ball of Play doe from the roof to a concrete walk…SPCA and PETA would not appreciate you for that, Bill!!! I would use Play-Doh!!:D

First, let me say that I am unbelievably impressed by the mere act of hollowing a 13.5" form!! My admiration for your skills just increased exponentially! I kind of like the form, and while smaller feet and "lift" are the norm, for what you wanted to achieve, I think you made the correct choices. Very nice finish work on the bottom, and very well done!!

cal thelen
08-20-2011, 9:22 AM
wow the wood is really nice and i like the form too.

Bernie Weishapl
08-20-2011, 9:49 AM
Really nice piece Bill. I really like the form which really shows off the wood.

Scott Hackler
08-20-2011, 10:25 AM
I like the unusual form and the wood is great. Hope it makes it through the drying process.

Mike Willeson
08-20-2011, 11:08 AM
I like the shape Bill...really like the way the lower portion looks "heavy"....looks almost like a bag filled with sand or something. Gorgeous wood too!

Marc Himes
08-20-2011, 12:30 PM
It looks like you have achieved the shape you wanted and I hope it dries without any damage. I really like the wood; nice job!

Daner Steel
08-20-2011, 4:52 PM
I love It, Wow very cool HF, I'm trying to figure out how you cut the blank for It
Good job:)

Bill Bolen
08-21-2011, 7:46 PM
Thanks for all the comments folks. Daner: the blank was cut as a crotch bowl blank. Nothing special about the cutting.