View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments....

Dennis Peacock
02-21-2005, 9:26 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone.

I'm trying to spend some time in the shop doing things I really "want" to do, but right now I'm busy with helping my family doctor make a small kitchen table for his son (just so happens he likes woodworking as well. :cool: ) and I'm also working on modifying a hutch for a buddy at work so it can be used as an entertainment center. When I can, I take some time and turn something on the lathe to help my lathe not be so upset with me by not using it and using all the flat work tools.

Overall, a pretty good weekend.
So what did YOU do this weekend.?

Best of weeks.....

Jeff Sudmeier
02-21-2005, 9:29 AM
I had a pretty good weekend. I spent the weekend milling out the parts and peices for the drawer frames in the dresser I am building. It went pretty well.

Sunday morning I woke up to a couple inches of WET sloppy snow!

Yippie! :)

Karl Laustrup
02-21-2005, 9:29 AM
Funeral Saturday for my golfing buddys mother.

Sunday, snow blow snow off driveway, watch more snow come down, watch Daytona 500, take nap, go to bed.

Really getting antsy for weather to break a little so I can get back to work and make some sawdust. :)

Scott Coffelt
02-21-2005, 10:14 AM
After a number of months working on house plans, identifying builders, etc. LOML and I decided on a builder this weekend. I'll notify him today. So much to do this spring in preperations, not nearly enough time.

Moved my nieces stuff into her apartment. I'm getting too old for that, still sore today.

Started construction on built-in stereo cabinet for a client. The client has a table in front of the space the cabinet is going, so in order to access the DVD/CD player I had to come up with a unique design. I will be curious if the idea works. I made the top shelf fixed and then there will be a flip down glass door. The rest of the components will be behind a standard glass door. I'll post pics when I get it finished.

Roughed out some platters and bowls. I still need to finish them up this week. My mom asked me to make them for a church fundraiser.

Just vegged yesterday and wtahced the superbowl of NASCAR.

lou sansone
02-21-2005, 10:29 AM
fixed oil furnace in the shop that gets clogged up once a year with sawdust..

finished carving the flame finials ... when to church ...
turned a bunch of columns for the tall case clock. figured out the fluting division for them and put away lots of butternut wood that no one wanted to buy.....got up at 5 monday and started turning again
and then I had to go to work !!!

John Branam
02-21-2005, 10:38 AM
Not much time in the shop this weekend but I did finish designing my next project, and drawing up the plans.

Russell Svenningsen
02-21-2005, 11:25 AM
Hang on to your hats:

1. Installed new lighting fixture in kitchen. It was a difficult bugger to install with a new light switch, without disturbing the beadboard I painstakingly refinished 2 weeks ago. Don't ask me why I did these projects in this order! However, the LOML loves it!
2. Installed new lighting fixture in children's playroom. Significant drywall work needed to be done. Hung light from shop-made medallion. Yowza.
3. Installed 3-way dimmers in dining room.
4. Caulked new bathtub.
5. Began huge garage storage shelving units. Got the frames built and several of them sheathed.

It was quite a weekend. I am exhausted today.


Jim Becker
02-21-2005, 11:38 AM
It was a weekend. I actually did get shop time and worked on a prototype box for a friend (pictured below)...I can't go into detail as to its use, but they need something that can be mass-produced for their particular purpose. This one uses mitered corners for both the sides and the top for zero-end-grain and has splines to reinforce the corners and add interest. I did put on some dye, but will not do any more work on it until I have the barrel hinges installed. Proportionally, this one is not deep enough front to back, but I was just using 1/2" material I already had milled from a previous project.

I also finished turning a couple of spindles that are for a table project that Byron Trantham is working on. These were tough for me as I don't do much spindle work and they had some challenging square to round transitions that were brutal. The "evil skew" was put into play, but between my lack of skill on that particular tool, the hard maple and the crappy quality of the tool itself and it's inability to hold an edge...well...I'm glad I'm done! I did get to fondle the Stanley #4 that I picked up from Terry Hatfield and actually tried out the LV medium shoulder plane I bought a few months ago.

Some time was also put in for some more design work on a potential home addition...this week it was, "Roof Lines Are Us"...a particularly challenging thing for the project. I also did a little design work relative to sleeping arrangements for our future adoptive children, working up a twin-sized platform bed with drawers for storage underneath. I'll let that stew a little and revisit it later in the week.

'Did a little shopping with Dr. SWMBO, enjoyed some great meals and the DVD of the week was Rushmore...a quirky and funny movie.

Mark Valsi
02-21-2005, 11:49 AM
weekend is not over yet here !! <g> :D

John Hulett
02-21-2005, 12:38 PM
I continued working on a little practice project - a foot stool. During the week, I got acquainted with my newly acquired PC Plate Jointer to construct the stool - particularly with using 1/4" and 1/2" offesets. That worked out well. Glued it up on Saturday and put a bit-o-stain on it on Sunday. I'd be lying if I said I was completely happy with it. Just used some pine I had in the garage - nothing fancy. Let's just say I probably would be ashamed to post pictures after seeing the other one last week with the nice box joints w/ maple. Mine was an excercise in Practice meets Function.

Andy London
02-21-2005, 1:02 PM
My sons basketball tournament took care of this weekend for the most part, final game was very stressful for the parents...behind by 1 point until the final 28 seconds when the boys made a crazy play and ended up winning the game.

Found a little bit of time to play on the lathe and turned this Curly Yellow Biirdseye lidded container, the handle is thuya burl.


Dan Gill
02-21-2005, 1:04 PM
I got a little time in this weekend. I mainly worked on a keepsake/jewelry box for my son to give to his girlfriend. I really haven't made much for him, and when I offered to do this, his face just lit up. It will be soft maple, dovetailed, with walnut keys and a walnut top. I'll post pics when it's done.

The odd thing was the weather here. It was HOT in my garage yesterday. Time to get some more fans.

Bob Winkler
02-21-2005, 1:14 PM
Installed a laundry sink and hung a bright basement light (to keep the boogie man away) at my daughters house.

Rough machined most of the parts of a cherry and maple bookcase. Will let them sit a bit before final machining to size.

Hooked up a couple of quick disconnect DC fittings to swap between my planer and drim sander.

Watched a great movie: The Village. It was great- much better than I expected!


Ken Robb
02-21-2005, 1:21 PM
Fri - Traveled with LOML & son to Chantilly, VA

Sat - Went to the VA WW Show and scored some more tools "GLOAT"
Got a Carter BS stabilizer for doing scrolling on the BS, a new router plate
with the twistlock rings from Woodpeckers, a Forrest WWII thin kerf, a
GRR-Ripper, MJ splitter and zero clearance insert. Sat afternoon we went
to Tysons Center and LOML did her damage to the CC.

Sun - Left the Hotel early to get home before the bad weather arrived. Really
wanted to visit the new Aerospace Museum at Dulles Airport, but LOML's
nerves were better by getting home early. Spent the rest of Sunday
working in the shop rebuilding my storage cabinet.


Sam Chambers
02-21-2005, 2:54 PM
Saturday, Junior and I worked on our cars for the annual Pine Car Derby at church on Sunday. While we were waiting for things to dry on the cars, we turned pens for the Freedom Pens Project.

On Sunday, we raced. Neither of our cars ran very well. In fact, neither of us won a single heat. My guess is that we got the wheels on a little too tight. But yours truly won 1st place for best design in the "open" class (everyone who was not a boy in 1st - 5th grade).

Yes, yes, I know, the pic police are coming to get me. Well, I had to leave before the race was over, and I don't have the car back yet. As soon as I get it back, I'll post a pic. And as soon as we finish the batch of pens, I'll post a pic of them too.

Byron Trantham
02-21-2005, 3:02 PM
I went to the yearly wood show - two days in a row! I didn't spend squat but boy did I pick up a few pointers. Had a great time.

Marshall Harrison
02-21-2005, 3:40 PM
I assembled my DC and hooked it to TS and seperator. Repaired my main extension cord as the outlet box on the end of it was damaged. That's about it. Won't really be starting things until a week from Satruday. That will be my first free Saturday this year.

Matt Meiser
02-21-2005, 5:18 PM
Saturday I picked up my new drum sander (see my post Saturday) and went to pick up a couple samples of various wood species for a project I will be doing for my brother and future sister in law. Sunday my parents stopped by to visit for a few hours and after that I spent a few hours in the shop adjusting the sander, cleaning up, and staining some display shelves I recently finished for our family room.

Mike Forsman
02-21-2005, 10:02 PM
Did the finial assembly and installation of one windows worth of plantation shutters that I have been building for LOML. Several other windows are complete and waiting for finish. They will go up after the finish has been done. Also finished the touch up and cleanup on the entryway and family room wall painting that we did last weekend.

Kevin Beck
02-22-2005, 9:45 AM
Continued the snow-balling bathroom remodel from heck. Finished demolition and hung hardibacker in the shower area. Ripped out a whirlpool tub that we never used. Removed dual vanities and 83" countertop.

I still have to decide what I want to put back. I'm considering pedestal sinks or the furniture type stand-alone vanities. I also have to decide on what sort of tub to put back.


02-22-2005, 10:53 AM
Saturday, I did a little work on the poker table. I also took delivery of a new bench top from Bally block. Got to meet a couple of WCers hauling a serious quantity of benchtops from PA to VA. My buddy got two.
Monday, my buddy and I worked on some budget legs for our benchtops using some borg 2x8s. Man, I hate pine. Nicked knives and knots flying around the shop, sheesh. Takes more work to prep the "surfaced" pine than it does to prep rough hardwood.
We overfilled the cyclone. While cleaning up the mess, my 5 year old came down and hit the remote causing a huge dust explosion :eek: . At least it freed up the chips stuck in the filter pipe. :rolleyes:

Jay (still blowing pine dust boogers)

Ed Lang
02-22-2005, 11:22 AM
Friday and Saturday my wife and I went to a woodworking show.


Jim Dunn
02-22-2005, 4:50 PM
Darn there Ed did you leave anything for the rest of us to buy. How much of that is your's and how much is the wife's?