View Full Version : Pierced Flair

Scott Hackler
08-18-2011, 10:22 PM
Here is a small little box that I made for a donation for an Epilepsy Foundation auction. I was limited to 3" or less and immediately thought cricket cage type box. So that's the direction I started and with a little warped creativity.. this is what I came up with!

The lid doubles as a top and the pattern on the lid includes a spiral from the outside to the finial.

Osage Orange (hedge for us country folk), 3" tall...exactly, and finished with BLO.

Thanks for looking and feel free to comment or critique.


Roger Chandler
08-18-2011, 10:25 PM
That is a right nice piece of work, Scott. should bring a good amount to the Epilepsy foundation.

Bernie Weishapl
08-18-2011, 10:31 PM
Scott that is a beautiful piece. That should do well for the cause.

David E Keller
08-18-2011, 10:33 PM
That's cool, Scott! I hope it does well in the auction!

Marty Eargle
08-18-2011, 10:35 PM
That reminds me of those wicker chairs that were the style in the late 80s!

Your irregular forms are continuously refreshing, Scott. The contract and texturing on the lid is my favorite part of this piece though! Thanks for sharing.

Kathy Marshall
08-18-2011, 11:14 PM
Very cool little box Scott! Your creativity is really showing through and I have no doubt this piece will do well!

Steve Vaughan
08-18-2011, 11:16 PM
That's a great piece! Be sure to let us know how well it does at the auction, but I'm thinking it's gonna do EXtremely well!

Doug W Swanson
08-18-2011, 11:59 PM
Wow, that's very nice! When you do the piercing, do you lay it out in pencil first or just do it as you go?

Rick Markham
08-19-2011, 1:34 AM
Another Awesome piece Scott!!! Well Done, and for a great cause!!! :)

Michelle Rich
08-19-2011, 6:58 AM
Amazing amt. of work in this..I can't say I like the "hoods" - "flairs" you are putting on recent vessels, but the craftsmanship is amazing. If the Epilepsy F. doesn't get great $$$ for this, they don't know what they have. Good Luck

Bill Bulloch
08-19-2011, 7:11 AM
Now that's a great looking piece...bet it took you most of the day to complete that. Amazing job.

John Keeton
08-19-2011, 7:19 AM
Scott, your piercing skills are improving dramatically! Great work, much improved demarcation lines for the piercings, and I love the texture on the top. Very smooth lines for this one!

I have been asked to do a piece for the auction, as well, and need to get started on it!

charlie knighton
08-19-2011, 7:39 AM
great piece Scott, the piecing is well done, love the lid that is a top, great extra, i assume you burned the lines on the top?

Baxter Smith
08-19-2011, 8:47 AM
Great job Scott. Really nice job on the piercing and burned edges! I believe I would become rather crosseyed just attempting to begin a piece like this!

Jay MacDougall
08-19-2011, 11:11 AM
I like this a lot, nice job.

Scott Hackler
08-19-2011, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone. The piece was done in one session that took about 5 hours total. The top of the lid was burned for the textrure but all other edge treament was using my NSK Presto (same bit I used for the piercing).

This piece was done at a personal request from another turner. It is to be assembled with a few others and sold at an auction as one small size collection. The challange was a restriction to "keep the piece under 3 inches". Not much I could come up with beyond one of my cricket cages. I wanted something I could pierce because it does seem to radically change the look and spruces up a small piece. I am also on a mission to stray off the "already done" forms and branch out to strange new forms.

David DeCristoforo
08-19-2011, 12:21 PM
I had the same thought as Marty... wicker chair! Only you might want to reconsider sitting on it with the finial!!!. I really like the idea of the double finial which, I assume, is visible through the piercing. Not really able to see that in the pics. Maybe this could be backlit to allow some light inside the form so that the inside finial can be seen. I have a feeling that this is much nicer than the photos indicate.

Bill Bolen
08-19-2011, 12:32 PM
It seems to me that piercing has become a "sub-Vortex" and you have been sucked in hard! Another beautiful pierced/flaired piece Scott. I think you have mastered the process and I take delight in the flair on your pieces!

Bob Bergstrom
08-19-2011, 12:39 PM
That really got the creative juices flowing. Great piece and definitely one of a kind. That is going to make one great contribution.

Mark Hubl
08-19-2011, 12:57 PM
Nice work Scott. The piece is quite interesting and the piercing is looking good. The unique piece will be a good addition to a small piece collection. Hope it does well.

Scott Hackler
08-19-2011, 8:33 PM
Thanks for the additional comments, they are appreciated.

Jeff Nicol
08-19-2011, 8:45 PM
Scott, When and if I ever get some time to turn I hle to get some of the fun stuff done that you are doing! Your piercing is very nice, crisp lines and very consistant sizing of the holes. I too am not so sure on the "Flair" but it kind of grows on you after a while, I will have to think on it some more!

Just think you thought good old "Hedge" was a junk tree! Sure am glad I asked for some to get you turned on to it! I just love the stuff!

Great cause and nice all around use of the 3 "F's" FORM, FIT, and FINISH!

Have a great weekend,


Cathy Schaewe
08-19-2011, 9:46 PM
I too am not so fond of the 'flair', but the piercing is fantastic, and the entire piece is very well done. Nice job.

John Keeton
08-20-2011, 7:27 AM
The piece was done in one session that took about 5 hours total.Right about the first hour would be when my hand would have gone numb!!! Scott, you are yet young, but I would encourage you to do shorter sessions - that is a great recipe for carpal tunnel! I blame hours on end carving and sanding on longrifles for my nagging issues. Wish I had known better then.

Scott Hackler
08-20-2011, 3:37 PM
John, by five hours I did not mean to convey the thought of sitting at the bench for a straight work session. I measured it as chunk of wood to finished product in about 5 hours total. I already have carpal tunnel in my right hand so after about 20 minutes the hand goes numb and its time for a 15 minute break! Too many years of climbing ladders and holding tools in my hand messed up the ole carpal tunnel nerves. I need to schedule a little surgery and get it fixed, because it is darn annoying. :)

Toney Robertson
08-21-2011, 8:02 AM
That is impressive.

Has your eyes uncrossed yet????