View Full Version : Nyc Hd

Mark Blumer
02-21-2005, 9:24 AM
For the last several days my wife and I have been visiting my daughter and future son-in-law in New York City. My s/i/l is a charming, intelligent young man who doesn't know which end of an awl is the handle. We decided to go to the Home Depot that is in the Chelsea district of Manhattan to get some home maintenance supplies. What a shock!! A door man in a long coat and uniform hat!! The store was completely different from any HD I had ever been to. It was two stories and more than 1/2 was devoted to decorating, remodeling and appliances. I might have not hit the right part of the store, but I don't think they have any building materials. They have a full selection of tools. In fact, I think they have a larger selection than a typical HD. They had a large selection of Hilti tools, for instance and I have never seen another HD with those. They had a huge selection of hardware that was probably triple the size of the section in my local store in East Lansing, MI.

I just found it fascinating how differently they stock the store depending upon the expected clientel. Oh yeah, we bought an awl.

Mark Blumer (East Lansing, MI)

Jeff Sudmeier
02-21-2005, 9:31 AM

Sounds like a nice store! I think most of the big chain stores, stock according to the climate and the expected shoppers. However, I have never heard of that big of a change! A door man!??! Wow... what service! Glad you found what you were looking for :)

Jim Becker
02-21-2005, 9:59 AM
I think I know where that store is...and am not surprised that it is "different". Sounds like they did a cross of their Expo up-scale store with HD and just kept the latter name on the front! Regarding building materials, I'm wondering if delivery is more the norm in the city...

John Shuk
02-21-2005, 11:13 AM
I live about an hour north of NYC. I have noticed alot of the BORGs around here have those big Hilti displays and a Hilti Rep most of the time. There is alot of building going on around here but I can't believe that HILTI makes up enough business at HD to warrant the investment in space. It is always cool to check out stores we know in other areas just to see how it is different. I was in the Fla Keys a couple weeks ago but wifey refused to let me go to HD there just to check it out.