View Full Version : Got the colours out what do you think?

Richard Kennedy UK
08-16-2011, 1:48 PM
Early days for me but this is something I will have to look into more! What do you think? I called it "In the Deep" about 5 1/2 inches high finished with satin lacquer need to paint the inside black or dark blue I think

Comments welcome!


Jim Burr
08-16-2011, 5:27 PM
It's also a great shape too! I really like the way you bleed/merge the colors together...very cool transition!

David E Keller
08-16-2011, 8:04 PM
Looks good to me, Richard! The form is very nice, and I like the color scheme... Very aquatic!

Bernie Weishapl
08-16-2011, 9:29 PM
Really nice vase and love the color scheme.

Scott Hackler
08-17-2011, 1:04 AM
Very nice job.

Steve Schlumpf
08-17-2011, 7:31 AM
I really like the color transition on this piece! Nice form! Personally - I like seeing a contrast in colors on some forms and leaving the interior natural will often give the piece just enough WOW factor to really stand out.

Very nice color work!! Thanks for sharing!

Richard Kennedy UK
08-17-2011, 5:32 PM
Steve I wish I had read this earlier as I painted the inside black this morning Its not spoilt the piece but I think it would have been better either left alone as you suggested or maybe had the lighter green flow over into the piece hey ho you learn with every attempt! Thanks for everyones input

Steve Schlumpf
08-17-2011, 6:09 PM
Richard - I am sure it will look just fine! I just happen to like catching people off guard a little bit when they go to view the inside of a form. I like things, whenever possible, to be different than what the viewer expected.

Richard Kennedy UK
08-17-2011, 6:20 PM
I like to do that too I recently made a hollow form with a gilt inside was a swine to do but quite effective as for this piece I think the contrast between the new black interior and the colour is disruptive but like I said you live and learn! Next time I will give it more thought, colouring is still a dark art as far as I am concerned so every piece is a mystery thanks for the input though. Its great to have the ability to pick the brains of folk who know a darn sight more than me!

Baxter Smith
08-17-2011, 10:45 PM
Great colors and a name to match!