View Full Version : Another bowl for the Tanzanian girl

Bob Bergstrom
08-15-2011, 8:11 PM
When I finished the spalted bowl for my daughter after her return from a trip to Tanzania, she gave me one of those "Oh by the way could you put a finish on this bowl I did some pyro work on". Dad, did I say I need it asap. Here we go again. I have to deliver it tomorrow. Maybe I'm glad I only have one daughter. The bowl is maple and was under coated with gold paint followed by lacquer tinted with various shades of yellow, red and black Transtint. I stamped it with Saran Wrap sprayed with black lacquer. The rim was darkened with a black marker. Piercing was done with a dental drill.

charlie knighton
08-15-2011, 8:25 PM
very nice, glad your daughter returned safely

Roger Chandler
08-15-2011, 8:30 PM
Simply beautiful Bob......love the pyro work [from your daughter if I understand correctly?] and the finish is gorgeous!

Bob Bergstrom
08-15-2011, 9:02 PM
She was helping others put the finishing touches on a new school, hence the building in the burned drawing. She is much more artistic than I. I would have made Africa look more like Antarctica.

Eric Holmquist
08-15-2011, 9:39 PM
Great work. A friend of mine quit her job and went to Tanzania 3 years ago for the Peace Corps.

Bernie Weishapl
08-15-2011, 9:54 PM
Really nice Bob. Dad came thru with flying colors.

Mark Hubl
08-15-2011, 10:02 PM
Nice Bob. The pyro looks good.

Steve Vaughan
08-15-2011, 10:38 PM
That's a great looking bowl, on all accounts! The pyro, piercing, and finish...two thumbs up!

And, what a cool thing to help finish a school in Tanzania! You go girl!

Greg Just
08-15-2011, 10:41 PM
I like everything about this one. Can you explain the Saran Wrap sprayed with black lacquer technique? thanks

Kathy Marshall
08-15-2011, 10:49 PM
Very nice bowl Bob and daugher! The pyro, piercing, dye and finish all look great!

Bob Bergstrom
08-15-2011, 11:16 PM
Saran Wrap stamping is really easy and gives some great random designs. The black spotty areas on the orangey areas is the stamping. Simply wad up or twist Saran Wrap in some type of stamping tool. Spray the Saran Wrap with some spray paint and stamp it on the side of the piece. We have one member of our club that could make a living with the beautiful multi colored stampings he has applied on his hollow forms.