View Full Version : Where can I find Plans for marionettes and/or a puppet theatre

Frank Pellow
02-20-2005, 7:57 PM
I am thinking about making a small (say 4 feet wide) theatre with stringed puppets and putting on a show towards the end of the year. I would appreciate any references.

Ed Moehlenpah
02-20-2005, 9:28 PM
There are a lot of books on puppetry in general, but they may be out of print, which is why I recommend the library. If you can't find one, send me mail, I probably have a marionettes book laying around. I used to help with puppets years ago. Also, there is a group ppa puppeteers of america that might have a chapter somewhere around you. Good luck. This is more specific than a general puppet stage.

p.s. I see the shelf the books are on, so I could drag them out to see about pictures of a stage. Unfortunately my scanner isn't working right now...

Steve Inniss
02-21-2005, 10:43 PM
I don't know if this'll help other than with links somewhere - it sure is interesting though.
Regards, -Steve
