View Full Version : 'Frustration' in Tiger Maple.

Nate Davey
08-13-2011, 5:11 PM
This was the most frustrating piece I think I have ever done. My intent was to turn it to finish thickness, let it dry and warp then finish sand it. As invariably happens, I got pulled away before I could get the last finishings cut on the inside. Obviously, by the time I got back, it had warped. I was able to do a good scrape on he bottom, but caught the scraper and left a wicked long trough. There were tool marks on the inside as well. I sanded this thing for at least 8 hours over 3 nights, power sanded with the lathe on and off, hand sanded till my hands fell off and could not get those tool marks out. To make matters worse, I grabbed the shellac instead of the lacquer sanding sealer and darkened some areas I didn't want darkened. I was a scant 5 minutes from throwing this in my fire pit and dancing around it as it burnt. My wife, however, saw it and loved it, which is odd because she doesn't care for much of my stuff, and wanted it to put fruit in it. So a gave it a wider than usual base, applied 6 coats of Deft Satin Brushing Lacquer, three wheel buffed and the Minister of Finance is happy. Bowl is 12" x 5". Thanks for looking, any advice would be greatly appreciated

Roger Chandler
08-13-2011, 5:39 PM
Nate........isn't it odd that the ones that give us fits and disappoint us......others seem to like the most........go figure! I understand your frustration..........sometimes circumstances interrupt us, and then nothing is the same when we go back to it.

One recommendation..........in the future, when you have to leave a turning before you finish it........place a plastic bag around it and tape it closed to the chuck............that will give you enough time to go back without it warping or drying and cracking on you...........it helps create its own moist environment that will give you more working time!

Bill Bolen
08-13-2011, 6:24 PM
All your hard work paid off. Looks good and wife is happy! What more could we ask for?

Steve Vaughan
08-13-2011, 6:37 PM
Very cool looking! And, if your wife is happy with it, then you're in good shape.

James Combs
08-13-2011, 8:00 PM
Nate, it looks as good as any similar vessels I have seen on SMC. I think it was well worth the effort...especially when approved by the Minister of Finance. :-0

Mark Hubl
08-13-2011, 8:28 PM
If Momma's happy everybody be happy! It is a nice NE. The tiger really looks good, I don't think I have seen a tiger NE, pretty unique. Seems when doin NE's there are always some trouble spots.

Nate Davey
08-13-2011, 9:14 PM
Thanks all, appreciate the encouragement.

Roger, thanks for the suggestions, I'll give it a shot next time.

Michelle Rich
08-14-2011, 8:13 AM
aren't you glad you screwed up? it's now a masterpiece! Looks beautifully done to me.

Bernie Weishapl
08-14-2011, 10:21 AM
Don't see a thing wrong with it. If she likes it what else counts?

Doug W Swanson
08-14-2011, 10:39 AM
It's funny how it goes some times. You are ready to give up and then it turns out great! Nice looking bowl!

Jim Burr
08-14-2011, 11:40 AM
I'm sure glad you hung in there Nate...it's a beautiful piece!

David E Keller
08-14-2011, 1:16 PM
Looks good, Nate! The form reminds me of a Viking ship for some reason.