View Full Version : Tool Mule

David Moore CA
08-12-2011, 2:08 PM
Got an e-mail about a product called Tool Mule that attaches to a lathe. Looks interesting. Anyone using it or have an opinion?

Andrew Kertesz
08-12-2011, 2:38 PM
You can build your own with some 80/20 extrusion. Kind of pricey IMHO at Craftsupplies.

Tim Rinehart
08-12-2011, 2:59 PM
I'm kinda with Andrew on that. That being said, if convenience and 'polish' is more important than saving some $$, it looks like a nice product with some nice add-ons. Just isn't much there that once you see it...you couldn't make with a little creativity. The price for the Moffatt lamp at $99 bucks is over twice what you can buy the lamp alone for from WT Tool. So for another $50 you get a piece of 1/4"x2"x6" red painted piece of iron and a knob...I think that's pretty stiff personally.

Marty Eargle
08-12-2011, 3:05 PM
Aside from the steep price and ability to make something comparable myself, this setup would also limit the open angles around my lathe that I might want to work from. May be a tad unconventional at times, but I'm not a fan of having my mobility limited...I'd rather take the extra set over to where my gear is.

Greg Just
08-12-2011, 3:11 PM
I neat idea, but like Marty said it limits mobility. You could easily build a mobile cart with the same functionality at a much lower price.

Tony De Masi
08-12-2011, 3:47 PM
I like my table saw just fine.:D

Tim Rinehart
08-12-2011, 5:00 PM
I like my table saw just fine.:D
Now that's just hilarious!!!:p:p

Kyle Iwamoto
08-12-2011, 5:07 PM
I thought that's why it's called a TABLE saw.

Bob Espy
08-12-2011, 5:08 PM
+1 for the table saw.

Rick Markham
08-12-2011, 5:52 PM
+1 on the table saw. If you need more storage, get a router table extension wing... it works for me :D

Reed Gray
08-12-2011, 6:01 PM
I bought one of the wire mesh, tube steel post, racks on wheels, maybe 18 wide, 36 long and 40+ high to set my sanding station on. Found it works well for turning tools as well, and being on wheels, it is mobile.

robo hippy

Tim Thiebaut
08-12-2011, 6:13 PM
+1 on the table saw. If you need more storage, get a router table extension wing... it works for me :D

I have the router table extension on my table saw, together they make a great wood storage platform!!

Harry Robinette
08-12-2011, 7:35 PM
Woodcraft sells a cover for your T-saw,B-saw and scroll saw, they're like great big refrigerator magnets.I put one on my Table saw and it stays like new no marks or scratches NO Rust and I use it for storage and a assembling table. Also the one for the bandsaw really helps keep the rust down if you leave it on when your cutting green wood or treated lumber.

David Moore CA
08-12-2011, 7:46 PM
Thanks for all the responses. Sounds like total agreement that this Tool Mule product should be avoided at all costs.

Neil McWilliams
08-12-2011, 8:19 PM
Exactly where can you buy a Moffatt lamp for $50? If WT Tool refers to Wholesale Tools, I could not find this lamp on their site. I am looking for one but only find one with long enough flex at Oneway and the price takes my breath away.

Steve Vaughan
08-12-2011, 9:54 PM
Hey Neil, try this site:

And to boot, you get $5 off if you get two! That's what I did and am very pleased!

Billy Tallant
08-13-2011, 1:09 AM
Looks handy for someone who has very limited shop room. Would work perfect for me. But then I look at the cost & think I can make a mobile cart to hold all of my equipment for a lot cheaper. The air hose connector kit would be one of the most convenient things for me on the tool mule. Of course, my air hose hangs on a nail within 2 ft of the end of my lathe & I'm out no expense. :)

Josh Bowman
08-13-2011, 1:09 PM
Well, I remember seeing that stuff at my local scrap yard. Sooooo today I went over and bought 32' of the stuff. It's called 1515 extrusion (1.5x1.5) or you can get 1010 etc.
Here's a google of the stuff:
http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=fw#hl=en&sugexp=bvec&cp=8&gs_id=v&xhr=t&q=1515+extrusion&qe=MTUxNSBleHQ&qesig=AZonIoRiWtoDT99S96p1ZA&pkc=AFgZ2tlBbgBPbEHIm25NGcQGJYOGSYzN-B1tdgj7ZYlfkqJikOckHaV598S2MvVLkNHdWBhwKKnsUDYPGPI YYg1MG5sTy7l--g&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbm=shop&source=og&sa=N&tab=wf&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=2bbe01f9b9f72b5f&biw=1280&bih=884

Josh Bowman
08-13-2011, 9:12 PM
It's not a tool mule, but it's at least a tool donkey. I think I like this stuff.

Rick Markham
08-15-2011, 5:10 AM
That's super cool Josh!