View Full Version : Good Day in the Wood Dump.

Bob Bergstrom
08-10-2011, 5:54 PM
Gee I love my Community Wood Dump. The city doesn't have the money to have a company come in and turn the savaged trees into mulch so the yard is full trees. A lot are rotted logs and branches, but I found a nice chunk of ash (there dying here by the dozens here). Then I saw this stump of Box Elder with no bark and lot of rolling bumps on the surface. After a half hour of getting it out to an open area I started sawing it up. It was about 26" across and 6' to 7' high. This is the result of about 4 hours of ripping and cross cutting. My Stihl 028 with a 20" bar had quite a work out and so did I. The Box Elder blanks are 20" and over. There is a lot of swirling figure and contortions. Some pink thrown in for good measure. They will be cored and should make some nice bowls.:D

Bill Neddow
08-10-2011, 5:57 PM
These are beauties. I love wood dumps!

David E Keller
08-10-2011, 6:01 PM
Great haul! I wish our local dump would allow me access... I'm working on it!

Roger Chandler
08-10-2011, 6:16 PM
Boy.........I'm liking that box elder....pretty stuff........you did have a good day!

Bob Bergstrom
08-10-2011, 6:36 PM
Bribery may help. It also may work with tree removal services. Only problem there is they may give you more than you want. Golf courses also have some good hard woods. The ash trees here are dying too fast and the course have quite a few. I and friends have sawed trees down for home owners that are away from the house and other obstructions. Keep your eyes open and catch city workers on the sawing on the parkways or along the road and they will usually give it away also.

Mark Hubl
08-10-2011, 6:50 PM
Nice. Been checking ours but nothin but elm. Good haul.

Bob Bergstrom
08-10-2011, 7:08 PM
They must be grinding up the ash. Your welcome to come out here. All you have to do is sign a wavier.

Scott Hackler
08-10-2011, 7:26 PM
Congrats on the box elder haul. I love box elder and feel pretty bad that my giant hoard of dump box elder has almost all gone to firewood with the checking, because I didn't process the wood into blanks. I just cut it up into manageable pieces and anchor sealed them. The heat and cold haven't been kind to them. :(

Greg Just
08-10-2011, 9:11 PM
Nice haul. Are your ash trees dying from the emerald ash borer? If yes, then you need to be careful about moving the ash around and spreading that nasty pest.

Bob Bergstrom
08-10-2011, 9:23 PM
Just about every ash tree in my neighborhood has signs of it. The one next door doesn't have one leaf on it. Across the street are two trying to grow sucker banches from the trunks. We have it bad here. If 10 percent survive it will be more than most expect. The next suburb from me has sawn them all down whether they were still growing or not. What a shame. There are some that will survive or have an immunity to the ash borer.

charlie knighton
08-10-2011, 9:38 PM
nice wood, great gloat Bob

Jon Nuckles
08-10-2011, 10:40 PM
Nice gloat, Bob. A landscape crew took down a box elder a few buildings down from me today and I took all I could fit in my SUV. My biggest are only about 14" diameter, though, so I am jealous of what you got. It only cost me 3 cans of lemonade, though, and the crew and I were both happy.

Michelle Rich
08-11-2011, 8:11 AM
lucky, lucky you. what a haul

Bernie Weishapl
08-11-2011, 10:00 AM
Great haul Bob.

Baxter Smith
08-11-2011, 9:03 PM
Nice looking wood Bob!