View Full Version : blo before CA?

cal thelen
08-10-2011, 3:12 PM
just wondering if there is any advantage to using BLO before a CA finish on pens.

David E Keller
08-10-2011, 3:29 PM
I usually do for wooden pens... Not sure if it helps with the finish, but I like the color change in some woods. There are 1000 ways to do a CA finish... You just gotta find the one that works for you.

Chris Burgess
08-10-2011, 3:54 PM
I have tried it but not been successful. I may be doing it wrong. I applied the BLO while the pen was on the mandrel and it stirred up a lot of muck so I stopped. I now apply about 12-15 coats CA only and the pens look the same or better to me as the ones I did w/ the BLO.....minus the dirty ends.

Jim Burr
08-10-2011, 4:39 PM
It has been a much hallowed tradition, but I've never tried it. Properly done, Ca is a pain, but really worth the effort.

Rick Gibson
08-10-2011, 4:56 PM
I used to use blo but don't any more. Thin CA first to soak in and seal the wood then several coats of medium.

Donny Lawson
08-10-2011, 5:31 PM
Same here. I used to use BLO/CA but with some pens it would turn a milky color and I would not get the shine I was looking for. Now its just straight CA for me. I guess its natural for me since I've never had a problem putting it on. When putting on BLO/CA you need to sand to 600 grit. Turn your lathe speed down to about 300rpm. Next fold a paper towel to where it is about 1/2" wide. Next put 1 drop of BLO on the end of the towel and wipe it on the underside of the pen very fast for about 15 seconds back and forth.Next put 1-2 drops of Med CA in the same spot on the towel and rub it back and forth under the pen fast for about 15 seconds. Repeat this process several times until you get the desired gloss. After the first coat of CA it may look dull but if you keep rubing the towel under it, it will start to shine.

James Combs
08-10-2011, 8:17 PM
I used to use blo but don't any more. Thin CA first to soak in and seal the wood then several coats of medium.

Ditto what Rick said to about 10 coats.

cal thelen
08-11-2011, 10:09 AM
thanks guys I have the CA part down okay just wondering if the BLO would bring out the wood alittle more than the CA and if there was any conflicts btween BLO and CA

Bill Bolen
08-11-2011, 1:01 PM
No conflicts with BLO and CA. I use a method I watched on the net using BLO and never had an adhesion problem.