View Full Version : Kathy's Surprize #1

Scott Hackler
08-09-2011, 10:05 PM
Ok I finally bucked up enough guts to attack the large piece of mesquite that Kathy sent me. Since it is the only piece of mesquite I have ever got I was afraid of screwing it up! AND since I am now the owner of a McNaughton center saver..... IT GOT CORED!

What a bonus, I got two bowls out ofhe blank AND a giant bag of mesquite shavings for the smoker later on! I haven't completely finished the large bowl yet so until then, here is the bowl I cored out of the middle!

Chillean Mesquite, thinned shellac as a sealer, sanded back, 3 coats lacquer, knocked down and Ren Wax. 7" x 1 3/4" Pyro'd edge.

This wood had such a beautiful grayish color I just couldn't see turning it orangey/yellow with the oil, so it just got the clear!

Comments and critiques are welcome, always. Thanks for looking.


Roger Chandler
08-09-2011, 10:08 PM
WoW! that is a real looker Scott...........very nicely done.......love the rim treatment and beautiful finish. Nice work!

Marty Eargle
08-09-2011, 10:24 PM
That's a good, solid looking bowl Scott! Very fortunate that you'll be able to get more than one piece out of that chunk.

The natural color and the grain are nice but your pyro is what really makes the piece pop! And a bag full of mesquite shavings ain't too shabby either. ;)

Bernie Weishapl
08-09-2011, 10:37 PM
Beautiful Scott. Really nice on the rim treatment. Really nice finish.

Jeff Nicol
08-09-2011, 10:42 PM
Scott, You have found your niche in the turning world, burning of beautiful accents! You are right the bowl is a simple but elegent piece, I have some mesquite from Kathy, Chris Burgess and a big one that Michael James had sent to me for Christmas that I need to take a gouge to. I have one smalle bowl roughed out of the stuff Kathy sent me a while ago, and I love turining it as I can see you do too!

Keep at it my friend,


Steve Vaughan
08-09-2011, 10:53 PM
That's a great looking bowl. I really like the rim treatment too! And, congrats on the successful coring!

Ed Morgano
08-09-2011, 11:16 PM
Beautiful job Scott. That really resembles Walnut the way you finished it. I love the rim.

Kathy Marshall
08-10-2011, 1:46 AM
Scott that is a beautiful bow! I really love the rim treament! The black in the pyro really brings out grain and is a perfect complement for the color! You definitely did that mesquite justice and I can't wait to see the big bowl!

How was the mesquite to core? and how did you like turning it?

Mark Hubl
08-10-2011, 3:34 AM
Nice. It really does look like walnut, the rim treatment came out well. You must smell pretty smokey by now!

John Keeton
08-10-2011, 7:10 AM
Very nice work, Scott! I take it that the pyro was using some of the tips you have made? Looks great!

Tim Rinehart
08-10-2011, 8:00 AM
Scott, your pyro work is really coming in quickly ... I wish I were that quick a study. This bowl is a beauty and you did well by not choosing an oil that would have yellowed the beauty of it. Really well done!

Jon Nuckles
08-10-2011, 10:41 AM
Clean and modern shape, Scott, and the thicker rim is a perfect canvas for your burning. That mesquite must be nice and dry to go straight to the finish like that. Good work!

Bill Bolen
08-10-2011, 11:49 AM
Beautiful piece Scott! Love the rim treatment and that wood is reallllllllllllllllllllly nice. No Mesquite in Missouri so no experience with it.

charlie knighton
08-10-2011, 11:54 AM
you may want to move to texas/arizona. very nice/great pyro, thanks for the detail

Scott Hackler
08-10-2011, 12:04 PM
Ha Bill! No mesquite in Kansas either (that I know of). This piece came from Kathy Marshall in AZ. This demonstrates every turners problem, we all want the wood that grows in the back yard of our friends across the country! I have quite a few folks that are foaming at the mouth over Osage Orange, but here it is just a wind row tree that grows every where. :)

Russell Eaton
08-10-2011, 1:17 PM
I like the rim accents. I like the whole thing to be perfectly honest. The rim just does a great job of "setting" it off.

Dennis Simmons
08-10-2011, 6:51 PM
How do you lay out the burn work, to come out equal, on the edge work, just curious. This bowl looks great.

Scott Hackler
08-10-2011, 7:23 PM

I first have to have border lines, then its just a matter of branding away at the pattern until I get close to meeting the starting point. You can tell if the pattern is going to meet correctly with time to make little adjustments. I got lucky on this one that the circle patterns lined up real good. The little "V"s were done with another tip two marks then skip two marks then skip......and so on.