View Full Version : Back on the lathe!

Ken Hill
08-08-2011, 10:16 PM
It's been a crazy season for me so far. With the economy so bad ive been taking every assignment they give me and been on the road more then home. I have the next few weeks off so I headed right back to the lathe for the first time in months.

I have been checking in from time to time but usually from a crappy cell phone connected laptop in the middle of nowhere so I havent posted. Hope all teh regulars are doing well....hopefully be posting some finished work shortly!

Roger Chandler
08-08-2011, 10:18 PM
Welcome back Ken.........was wondering last week what had become of you...........crank that thing up!

Bernie Weishapl
08-08-2011, 10:20 PM
Hey Ken good to see ya back. Get that lathe humming.

Ken Hill
08-08-2011, 10:21 PM
Well Roger, they got me hooked on that whole "chicken" in a bowl thing.....except I went the "Turkey" route haha! I started raising some Turkeys so I could tune my calls in a bit closer...have some ducks as well! (ofcourse I have chickens for eggs and meat, but atleast some of it will actually relate to woodturning:D)


I am amazed every evening listening to my Turkeys talk. I have learned to make so many sounds that I never heard in the wild!


Ken Hill
08-08-2011, 10:27 PM
Thanks Bernie. The last bowl I turned was this rascal. Its been drying for 6 months or so and has a few areas I need to address but still looking like it will make it to the table once its finished drying.


For now, i've got to do some reading on casting resins. A few of the birds besides the turkeys have some feathering that should look really good when used in some projects I would like to tackle this fall!


Dan Hintz
08-09-2011, 6:06 AM
For now, i've got to do some reading on casting resins. A few of the birds besides the turkeys have some feathering that should look really good when used in some projects I would like to tackle this fall!



If you don't mind sharing, I'd like to get a hold of some of those feathers for some blanks, too.... those are some fine looking chirpers you got there.

Ken Hill
08-09-2011, 7:34 AM
No problem Dan, they are all just about done their first real molt so from here on out we will be collecting feathers, as well as whole sections from the ones headed to freezer camp. There are some green feathers that are just unreal. I would love to have some things with them used! Now to learn how haha

Russell Eaton
08-09-2011, 7:34 AM
Look forward to seeing some more of your turnings.

Ken Hill
08-09-2011, 7:37 AM
BTW...the woodpile belongs to these guys until freeze up. I still have TONS of wood left if anyone needs something this fall.....or if you are brave enough to fight them for a chunk LOL!


John Keeton
08-09-2011, 7:50 AM
Ken, he looks pretty harmless........from here!!! Good to see you back at the lathe. That bowl (oak?) will be nice!

Ken Hill
08-09-2011, 7:55 AM
John, yes its oak.

I think of you every time I blow through Kentucky! I believe I have been to or through there 4 or 5 times since spring and due back a few more times before the season ends.

John Keeton
08-09-2011, 8:03 AM
Thinking of me is just not the same as a creeker visit!!! You need to let me know when you are traveling through. We are just a few minutes off I-75 or I-64. If you go thru on one of those, let me know!

Ken Hill
08-09-2011, 8:06 AM
I will if I catch an event that has me in that state at a decent hour. A creeker visit just doesnt seem right at 3 am haha!

I will be shooting at Loretta Lynns Ranch in November and will be taking a week to shoot in Cades Cove as a vacation before hunting season starts. If the wife gets bored we may swing up through KY on the way home.

John Keeton
08-09-2011, 8:42 AM
Sounds great! Ken, you and your wife are welcome anytime.

Tom Winship
08-09-2011, 8:49 AM
Ken, I was going to comment on your great picture quality. When I read "shooting" in your last response, I think I understand.
It is great to be blessed with one talent, let alone three that are obvious. (Woodturning, photography, and hunting). Obviously, there are more.
Be safe with all that travelling.

Jeff Nicol
08-09-2011, 9:14 AM
Ken, I also want to comment on your wonderful photo skills! I know you have agreat equipment for the taking of pictures, but your eye for the hidden beauty and everything is just wonderful!

I like th big burl bowl, it has a ton of beauty in it and will be a great asset to anyones collection or table centerpiece!

Glad you are back and turning again,


Ken Hill
08-09-2011, 9:46 AM
Thanks Jeff. This has been a tough year for me. There isnt an extra dime to spend on staying a few days in the areas they send me and it has hurt my efforts. Combine that with the extreme heat and the wildlife stuff has been all but non existant this summer. I usually shoot fawns late spring/early summer but this year I dont think ive managed one good shot. Just a few small deer here and there....


The rivers havent been productive due to the heat I figure as well. Most waterfowl has fed early and stay in the shadows for the rest of the day. Herons are still around....


My birds atleast give me something to shoot when I am home haha!


I geuss I needed a break from turning as well. Ive managed to accomplish everything I set out to do when I started turning and have come to a period where I kind of know now what I like be it a call or a bowl. I still just let things happen and enjoy the freedom to just have fun turning. Orders are still decent, and already wine stoppers, calls and NE bowls are being requested for the holiday season so I do need to step up the pace a tad. I did manage to rough turn quite a few before my season started so they will be what I get back to as summer slowly creeps towards fall.

I stepped out of my element and shot a rodeo at the county fair last week before leaving for another job. Not sure why but it was fun shooting something different. The western feel sparked a bit of creativity that may find its way into some turnings. I really liked seeing the leather and ropes....now just to figure out how they work with wood.


The action was good, but I shoot so much of that it got boring. Kind of like repeatative turning. Everyone went nutz when they saw what all I had captured and it was cool, but somewhere I am feeling the need to change gears....get out of my comfort zone as it were. I geuss life is like that. We tend to get stuck in that same old rut day after day LOL!

John, I have managed to capture a few of teh bucks in the yard. Nothing huge on film, but 2 that were with this one appeared to be quite a bit bigger and they did not wait around for their picture to be taken! Not 2 minutes before I took these my son and I were talking about how poor we thought deer season would be here due to the drought......I geuss things never stay the same after all! I have a nice grunt call ready to do work come october!


Dan Hintz
08-09-2011, 11:23 AM

Hey, if you catch a few of these, the skins would make some nice blanks... I'll let you do the catchin', though :D

David E Keller
08-09-2011, 3:44 PM
Good to see you around, Ken! My wife has little interest in wood turning, but your photos get ooohs and aaahs everytime!

Tony De Masi
08-09-2011, 3:49 PM
Glad to have you back in the fold Ken.

Jamie Donaldson
08-09-2011, 4:03 PM
Ken- I don't know that we have met, but I have a good piece of scenic property here in Georgetown KY area that is crawling with deer and turkeys. There are also 3 lakes where I keep my pet bass and herons, sometimes osprey, an occasional eagle, and as a retired photographer I'm familiar with the opportunities, if you can stand the ticks! I'm less than 5 mi. from I-64 at Midway, so if you're coming this way sometime give me a call and drop in for a spell.

Kathy Marshall
08-10-2011, 2:35 AM
Ken your pictures are absolutely fantastic! Don't know what else to say except WOW, Beautiful, WOW!

Mark Hubl
08-10-2011, 3:37 AM
Glad to see you getting some home time. Always nice to see what your camera has been up to lately.

Ken Hill
08-10-2011, 10:10 AM
Jamie-Thanks for the offer.....if i'm free and in that area I will take full advanatge of it!

Thanks Kathy, I just do my best and keep at it.

Mark, I appreciate it, hope to turn my hind end off this fall and winter.