View Full Version : Split Personality 2.0 (Rebeastification)

David DeCristoforo
08-08-2011, 7:39 PM
According to an obscure loophole, I am allowed to change my Beauty and the Beast entry. My beauty remains unchanged. But my beast simply cannot be tolerated. I am not going to say whether or not it's a "nice piece" but it for sure ain't no beast! So here's the story:

My wife and I were out walking one evening and we noticed this big root ball sitting on an neighbor's lawn. I asked if they would like it to "go away" and they were so enthusiastic in their affirmative reply that I came back the next morning and cut it up and hauled it home. It's the root ball from a big pyracantha bush. The "pieces" I cut from it were just a bunch of intertwined roots, the biggest about 3" in diameter. The first one I tried to turn simply came apart as soon as it started spinning. Then I tried investing a chunk of it in casting resin but I really made a mess of that. Third try, I actually managed to turn a chunk of three intertwined roots. It's ugly as sin but far more "beastly" than my original entry.

5" X 8" and "finished" with a slop coat of Watco. Sanding and finishing seemed to be so counter-intuative on this thing that I just left it alone. It kept distorting as I removed more material so it's out of round, uneven and as funky as can be. So be it.

204470 204471

Dick Wilson
08-08-2011, 7:52 PM
Ugly???? You got to bs'ing me. I think it is beautiful. It is one of those pieces that you could sit and look at for hours and come up with all kinds of stories.

David E Keller
08-08-2011, 8:25 PM
Sounds like the process was beastly enough! I love this kind of turning with all its voids and inclusions. I'm a little warped, so I guess I'm drawn to forms with similar characteristics.

Faust M. Ruggiero
08-08-2011, 8:25 PM
It will be interesting to watch it as it dries, David. It could be something really wild. This one matches the "Beast" theme better but I liked your original entry so much I actually printed it out and put it in my file of "things to try". Good luck with this one.

cal thelen
08-08-2011, 8:29 PM
I think it looks pretty cool. when i look at the first pic i keep seeing a boxers glove

Bill Bolen
08-08-2011, 8:34 PM
And a fine "beast" it is too! I'll bet you feel pretty good about getting a troublesome piece off the lathe in one piece and looking as good as this cool HF!

John Keeton
08-08-2011, 8:44 PM
My beauty remains unchanged. But my beast simply cannot be tolerated.Is this some type of self analysis????:rolleyes:;):D

David, I am amazed this piece held together. That void appears to nearly encircle the entire diameter!! Pretty neat piece - and, to think, at one time is was just the origin of a thorny growth - hmmm....perhaps there is some merit to the Beast thing!!

Baxter Smith
08-08-2011, 9:05 PM
Great improvement. Much more beastly! A little more drying and twisting can be a good thing!

charlie knighton
08-08-2011, 9:12 PM
i guess beasts are where you find them, very nice, i like your finish

Harvey Ghesser
08-08-2011, 9:13 PM
A real beauty of a beast, David!

David DeCristoforo
08-08-2011, 10:11 PM
"My beauty remains unchanged. But my beast simply cannot be tolerated....Is this some type of self analysis???"

Could be. The inner self unintentionally revealed?

"David, I am amazed this piece held together. That void appears to nearly encircle the entire diameter..."

Actually the void does completely circle the piece. It's actually three separate pieces. Held together only by a few bits of epoxy right at the bottom. I too am amazed it stayed together. What was strange was how it kept changing shape as I hollowed it out. The more "wood" I removed, the more it distorted. The outside curve started out "sweet" but began bulging and distorting right away. Fun!

Roger Chandler
08-08-2011, 10:22 PM
That is a nicely turned beast with a lot of pucker factor! :eek:

Bernie Weishapl
08-08-2011, 10:26 PM
Ditto what Roger said on the pucker factor. Sorry David but that is a beautiful piece.

David DeCristoforo
08-08-2011, 10:40 PM
"Sorry David but that is a beautiful piece."


Curt Fuller
08-08-2011, 10:46 PM
Looks to me like you're going to have to turn one that won't fit in the eye of the beholder. That's just beastly beautiful.

Cathy Schaewe
08-08-2011, 11:13 PM
Yep, it's disbeastly (unbeastly) (disembeastly)..
anyway. I like it. Which may not be the best compliment. :)

Kathy Marshall
08-09-2011, 3:14 AM
I think it's pretty cool David! Amazed it held together and curious to see how much it distorts!

George Gyulatyan
08-09-2011, 3:41 AM
That piece is abso-frickin-lutely wonderful!

I love it.

David Warkentin
08-09-2011, 8:51 AM
Looks like the monster at the bottom of the vortex. Just waiting to swaller you up. Like the drain monster!