View Full Version : Followup to pre-gloat

Marshall Harrison
02-19-2005, 3:26 PM
As I posted about 3 weeks ago I purchased an HF dust collector alon wiht some accessories. I finally got around to putting it together so I decided to post a pic. I'm going to put a Wynn filter on it and I've got a seperator but I still have to buy a garbagfe can for it. I'm also going to build some shelving to replace the wire onces you see in the background. Until then things are kind of cramped. Three of my kids are into cheerleading and basketball so I haven't had a free Saturday this year. Next weekend is the last then I can start on tings in earnest

I'll post some more shop pics shortly once I finish clenaing up my part of the garage and building the shelves.

Jeff Sudmeier
02-19-2005, 6:00 PM
Marshall, congrats on the DC. I think that once you get the Wynn you will have one sweet combo. I love mine.

Jerry Olexa
02-19-2005, 6:10 PM
Marshall, just IMHO but you may not need a separator. esp if you install a neutral vane (which is about a 30 minute install). The Wynn cannisters are great and do a great job, You just need to be sure the bigger chips don't fly up into the cannister. The n vane does that. Of course, in theory, a separator would prevent them from even entering the DC but might be overkill. Brad Olson on this forum is very knowledgeable on this subject. You might want to get his reco.

Marshall Harrison
02-19-2005, 8:32 PM
Thanks guys.

Jerry - you are right but since the neutral vane wouldn't do anything to stop chips and things from hitting the impaler I may go ahead and do the seperator, the neutral vane and the Wynn.

Brad - are you listening? Do you have anything to add?