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View Full Version : Glaser 15v 1/2" Bowl Gouge Question

Andrew Kertesz
08-06-2011, 10:20 AM
I know there are several out there that have purchased some of the 15v gouges. I have a question concerning the sharpness and condition of the end. I purchased a 15v 1/2" oval gouge and the wings on the end are ragged and uneven. I have a slow speed wet grinder but fully anticipated this being ready to go. Did anybody else that bought the new 15v gouges have this same issue or was yours ready to use?

Scott Hackler
08-06-2011, 10:45 AM
While I don't have any Glaser gouges, I will say that I don't consider ANY tool ready to go right out of the box. Most require my attention to sharpen it to my specifications. That being said, it would like yours might have slipped through quality control.

Harvey Ghesser
08-06-2011, 10:56 AM
Andrew, I'm not sure what you consider "ragged" edges but when I bought mine, I asked Paulo how to sharpen it and he said that I didn't have to take it to the wheel all the time. Just take a diamond hone to the edges and touch it up!

Joe Landon
08-06-2011, 11:08 AM
Hi Andrew,

Congratulations on your new tool! The 1/2" 15V bowl gouge is an awesome tool. I have never tried to use any tool straight out of the box from the manufacturer. I always touch it up with a fresh edge. I believe Glaser Hitec puts their initial profile grind on with a belt sander. I would suggest putting a fresh grind on it. For the smoothest cutting edge, try using a diamond hone. If you still have issues, contact Glaser Hitec. They have the best customer service available.

Robert McGowen
08-06-2011, 12:10 PM
I guess I will be the opposite of everyone. I have turned 2 segmented vases, one of them fairly large, and still haven't sharpened my 10V gouge that I took straight from the mailbox to the lathe. It appeared pretty sharp when it arrived.

Andrew Kertesz
08-06-2011, 3:14 PM
I will agree that the customer service from Glaser has been "Top Notch" and Paulo has been in contact through this whole ordeal, I won't get into the complete story. I understand that sharpening a tool before using it is really a matter of personal preference; some do it, others don't.

This was beyond just putting a hone to it for that final edge, it required grinding. In talking to Paulo he did say that they do indeed put the initial grind on with a belt sander. Because of the other issues involved and Paulo's effort to make me happy I am going to go with Scott and think this got by QC. I put an edge on it with my wet grinder and even as a rookie who has only turned 2 bowls it was amazing in the difference in a quality tool compared to what I have been using.

Again, let me say that the customer service from Paulo was stellar!!