View Full Version : Oneway 2436 owners

Joe Tedesco
08-04-2011, 11:56 PM
Are there any owners in the general vacinity of Long Island, NY that would be willing to demo their machine to me? I am looking into upgrading my PM 3520b, but would really like to see the Oneway in action.


Reed Gray
08-05-2011, 12:29 AM
Joe, I would suggest that you check out the Robust American Beauty as well. I chose it over the Oneway, in part because I prefer a sliding headstock, and also because it is made in the USA. I turned on a 3520A for about 8 years. I would think that you could contact either company to find out if there are any in your area.

robo hippy

Roger Turnbough
08-05-2011, 7:08 AM

I own a 2436 but I am in the Chicago area. If you are in the area, you are more than welcome to give my machine a spin. I've been following a couple of different threads over the last few months about these machines. It seems that they have recently changed the bearings in the headstock, and there has been some QC issues around this. Just something to be aware of. Other than that, its a wonderful machine, and capable of doing just about anything you can imagine.


John Keeton
08-05-2011, 7:42 AM
Joe, for what it is worth, Steve Schlumpf spent many hours at the AAW Symposium considering the attributes of all the various lathes in his quest to upgrade from his Jet 1642. He ended up with the American Beauty - for many reasons. I also understand from Steve, that the American Beauty is being somewhat redesigned in a couple of areas to make it an even greater machine. You may want to check with Steve and get his thoughts.

I know nothing of either the Oneway or the American Beauty, other than watching Steve drool through the entire Symposium - it was embarrassing!:o:D

Greg Just
08-05-2011, 7:57 AM

You might look for a local turning club for someone that might have what you are looking for.

Joe Tedesco
08-05-2011, 2:24 PM
Thanks for the info guys. Yeah that possible bearing issue has me concerned...I have been watching the youtube videos from someone who is having the issue.

It's a big purchase, and my Powermatic is running fine, so I will take my time and try to dig up as much info as I can about the few contenders. Just wish I could get my hands on them to test out.


John Fabre
08-05-2011, 3:06 PM
Joe, I have a one year old Oneway 2436 3hp with the new bearings, no problems and no sounds. If you were closer to Utah, it would not be a problem taking mine for a spin. I picked the Oneway over the other ones because I like the motor being at the bottom of the lathe. This gives the lathe a "better weight balance", my other lathes (Jets 1642 2hp & 1442) had the motor on the headstock. I don't like the sliding headstock either, I did slide the motor on the bed just to get it out of the way, that thing gets hot. My Jet mini has the motor underneath too.

Harry Robinette
08-05-2011, 9:32 PM
If possible do exactly what your trying to do with all the big boys.Test turn any you can and make your decision. The reason theres so many lathes out there is cause everyone has their own opinion.Choose wisely it WILL be the right choice which ever one you choose.
Just my $.02

Steve Kubien
08-05-2011, 9:50 PM
Contrary opinion coming up....
Bill Neddow is one fo the finest bowl turner around. His regular lathe is a Oneway 2416, with a 17" extension on the inboard end ( weird shaped room) and the outboard platform. He has demonstrated the 3520b at trade shows for a local distributor and he told me that if he knew then what he knows now, he would have bought the 3520b INSTEAD of the Oneway. Also, with some of the problems they have had lately, I wouldn't touch a Oneway lathe. THAT coming from a Canadian who would love nothing more than to spend my money here.

So, why do you feel the need to upgrade?

Reed Gray
08-06-2011, 1:12 AM
When I up graded from my PM to the Robust, it was for a couple of reasons. I wanted more horse power. I wanted a longer bed. I loved the adjustable legs.

robo hippy