View Full Version : Friday market setup

Allan Ferguson
08-03-2011, 7:18 PM
Will try to include photos of my unit for small town outdoor market.

John Keeton
08-03-2011, 7:23 PM
Allen, looks like a great setup! I like the walnut bowl/platter.

What are the canned goodies you have for sale? Looks like that might help draw folks in!

Allan Ferguson
08-03-2011, 7:55 PM
John, the canned fruit belonged to a lady who had no shade and I had extra space. A gentleman got to use the space after she went home. It was a hot day. This is my second canopy.

Jim Burr
08-03-2011, 8:00 PM
Good stuff Allan...and a gentleman to boot! We have a ball at those here and will be in Seattle in a couple years...save me a spot!!

Bernie Weishapl
08-03-2011, 8:16 PM
Looks like a great setup and really nice platter.

mike ash
08-03-2011, 8:23 PM
I displayed a few of my bowls once and put them on top of some bowl blanks, half burls etc that showed the visitors where some of these bowls came from. The people love that and couldn't believe the bowls came from the blanks of wood I had them displayed on. Another thing I do is take a picture of the blank prior to turning a bowl, showing where it came from.

I wish I had pictures to post here, Mike Ash

Allan Ferguson
08-03-2011, 8:54 PM
Jim, Republic is a 5 -6 hr drive from Seattle.
Mike sounds like a good idea. Mini Cooper is already loaded to the extreme. I do put out a photo album and willing to visit with those who stop. This is a small town. The whole county pop. around 7,000. Many people know me since I worked 12 1/2 years as an RN in the one and only hospital.

Jamie Donaldson
08-03-2011, 8:54 PM
204049I'ver been doing juried shows for many years Allan, and I have a few suggestions. You need a sign with your name and home town, what you do(woodturner), and a big framed photo of a woodturning to catch the strollers eyes. Have a label or sticker with wood and price for each piece, and never haggle over a price! Some of the larger platters should be placed vertically on stands, creating better viewing and more space on the tables. There are all kinds of pseudo psychobable about selling techniques, but selling wood requires allowing the customer to fondle the piece and 1 on 1 conversation. This shot of my booth is about 6 yrs. old- I really should make a new one, but it might give you some ideas about display.

Allan Ferguson
08-03-2011, 9:09 PM
Jamie,This is first year and slowly putting things together. Great suggestions and very nice setup.