View Full Version : Delta in the House! new to me DJ20 8" jointer

Aaron Berk
08-03-2011, 7:12 PM
A local craftsman was kind enough to sell me his unused Jointer.
His needs/goals didn't have an opening for the DJ-20

So I was more than happy to help make room in his shop, and crowd out mine at the same time LOL

I still need to do some checking and cleaning, but here's the pics :D

Paul McGaha
08-03-2011, 7:42 PM
Beauty Aaron. Thats a good looking Ford too.


Peter Quinn
08-03-2011, 8:42 PM
Congrats, I love mine, you will love yours too I bet, good jointer. Even better with a byrd head (hint, hint....)! Enjoy that.

Aaron Berk
08-03-2011, 9:39 PM
Thanks guys, I'm really excited about this one.
I've been converting all my machines over to commercial grade and really liking the differences.

My TS and RAS were the biggest improvements to date. I just can't wait to ditch my 15" planer :D

The DJ-20 wasn't on the top of the list, but the deal was right so I couldn't pass it up:rolleyes: U guys know how THAT goes right? LOL

I'd love to get a byrd Peter, are you volunteering to give me a bird? lol

And Paul, don't be eyeballing my girl now:mad: ha ha. I love my Powerstroke, it's my vegan diesel.... runs on waste cooking oil:cool: See those jugs on the ground? I also picked up 20 gallons of "free" fuel today as well. Part of my normal routine.

Lots of info on my "hobby" here --> http://wasteveggieoilexplorations.shutterfly.com/

glenn bradley
08-03-2011, 10:33 PM
I think you'll like that one. A solid proven design that has been relatively unchanged for many years. The Grizzly G0490's you hear a lot of folks talk about are a clone. I have a G0490X and it has served me flawlessly for years.

Larry Edgerton
08-04-2011, 6:04 AM
I had one of those and a Porter 12" and when I moved to my new digs one of them had to go. I'll miss that Porter.......

I use Esta cobalt steel quick change knives in mine. Gives you the quick changes without the cost of a new head, no setup after initial adjustment. Basically it is a carrier that the reversible knives snap into that always stays in the same position.

Good machine, I keep hoping mine will break so I have an excuse to buy that F1 I want, but it just keeps doing its job.

Congrats, Larry

Aaron Berk
08-04-2011, 9:40 AM
Esta huh? I'll have to look into that. Today I'll make time to go through the cabinet and examine all the movable parts and see what I've really got. After scrubbing the beds I ran a few boards over it last night. I think this machine is in pretty good shape. There's allot of screws missing from the back panel and the belt guard (above the cabinet) is loose like crazy. I hope those aren't signs of mistreatment.

Harvey Melvin Richards
08-04-2011, 12:40 PM
Congratulations, I've had my DJ-20 for almost 20 years. It's been a great machine, and always reliable.