View Full Version : spaulted locust and spaulted bradford pear

curtis rosche
08-02-2011, 9:27 PM
heres some recent work for the gallery. the bowls are spaulted locust, they were from the same peice of wood, but not cored, it just looks that way.
the box is spaulted bradford pear. much nicer to work with than dry nonspaulted bradford pear

Gary Conklin
08-02-2011, 9:38 PM
Nice pieces! How is the gallery thing going for you Curtis?

charlie knighton
08-02-2011, 10:01 PM
very nice .....

curtis rosche
08-02-2011, 11:38 PM
the gallery is going well. the owner sells manly glass things. jewlry like. she said many couple come in and the women look at her stuff anf the other artists, and the guy look at my stuff. i have sold 3 peices in two weeks so far. first friday is this week and they get between 200-400 people in about two hours through the shop. i have also had a comissioned peice to go with some of the jewlery that is in the shop

Cody Colston
08-03-2011, 4:07 AM
Congratulations on your gallery showings and sales, Curtis. That's awesome.

Those pieces above are pretty nice, too. The wood is spectacular.

I don't want this to sound snotty but "spalted" does not have a "U". If you are listing wood descriptions with the gallery pieces, you want to get the spelling right.

Bernie Weishapl
08-03-2011, 10:53 AM
Congrats Curtis. Great to have some sales to help the addiction.:D Really nice bowls and box.

John Keeton
08-03-2011, 11:47 AM
Curtis, a big congrats on the sales. Couple of nice looking bowls, too. What are the dimensions? The pen in the pic is a good comparison, but hard to get an idea of the height on the box. Do you find the smaller pieces sell better?

curtis rosche
08-03-2011, 3:36 PM
Cody, thanks. i miss spell similar words often. before i print out any descriptions for my work, i always spell check and have someone else proof read them so it makes sense.

i wanna say the box is about 8-10 inches high but i dont have a ruler with me right now.

so far at the gallery i have sold one bowl and two boxes. all were under $30. im keeping prices low to sell more until i become more ""well known: and can raise prices. but i can only make up to a 9 inch peice on my current lathe as i dont have my "beast" up and running yet.