View Full Version : Trammel for router plans?

Sean Rainaldi
08-01-2011, 11:39 AM

I'd like to build my own trammel for my Festool 1400 of Rounter. I'd like to cut up to 30 inch diameter using a straight bit - max 1 1/4" thick material..

Can anyone suggest where I could get plans or design ideas on this?

Thanks much.

Jerome Hanby
08-01-2011, 11:44 AM
I built mine based on the Bill Hylton router book, Woodworking with the Router (http://www.amazon.com/Woodworking-Router-UpdatedProfessional-Techniques-Woodworker/dp/0762108002). Think everyone that owns a router should have that book. My local library system has it, so you may be able to check it out for free. His Router Magic is a must have also...

Brian Kent
08-01-2011, 12:22 PM
When you get sticker shock from Amazon, they are available from multiple sources for less than the $71-74 on Amazon!

Sean Rainaldi
08-01-2011, 1:16 PM
Ok thanks very much U 2.

From the price, I assume most consider this the router jig bible?

Jerome Hanby
08-01-2011, 1:43 PM
Not sure what's up with that price. I bought mine through Amazon (from Warehouse Deals) for $17.19. Must be out of print, though that's hard to imagine. I would say it the closes thing to the router bible that exist.

Prashun Patel
08-01-2011, 1:47 PM
I'm not sure if commercial router trammels have this, but I always disliked having to pierce the piece to mount the trammel center. I found a nifty little pin that gets double-sided taped to the piece instead of screwed. The trammel can ride on that pivot. I got mine from LV.

Jerome Hanby
08-01-2011, 2:26 PM
I was looking on the LV site for that pin and saw their router trammel. Looks pretty nice for around $25!

Prashun Patel
08-01-2011, 2:32 PM

I submit that the great thing about a commercial trammel is the pre-drilled accurately measured pivot points. If you have to mark and measure yr own like the LV's, then all you really get is a piece of plastic with holes that might not even match up to your router. A piece of 1/4" hardboard works just as well as this.

Jerome Hanby
08-01-2011, 3:35 PM
Thanks for the link. That looks like a winner. i built my original trammel out of a little thinner piece of hardboard with strips of poplar re-enforcing the side edges...and proceeded to knock it off the wall and break the hardboard just above the point where the poplar stopped <lol>.

Think I'm going to key in a order for one of those points and use it for my rebuild!