View Full Version : Goblets

Dick Gerard
07-30-2011, 10:44 AM
In the past when I still did the art and craft fair circuit, I made a goodly amount of goblets. Then I decided to branch out and do some Renaissance fairs. Made a bunch, sold a bunch ... got burned out.

Now, years and years later, I agreed to do a hands on/demo for the Society for Creative Crafts in Pittsburg later this year. And you guessed it, they chose goblets. So I thougt I better dust off my goblet turning procedures and this is what happened.


L to R: Queen's, King's, and Prince's goblets. Bowls of King and Queen are crotch maple. Stem on Queen is redheart. Stem and foot on King, and foot on Queen are dyed maple. Prince is one piece of cherry. King and Queen are of course 3 pieces.

These goblets are based on Nordic-Germanic "pound on the table" goblets, not the more delicate and fragile thin stemmed variety of goblets. Tell me what you think!

Roger Chandler
07-30-2011, 10:57 AM
"pound the table goblets" ............nice that one can turn a goblet and a gavel at the same time! :D Well turned and pretty bowl areas...........I think I prefer a thin stemmed goblet for design, but these are very nicely done..............

Good luck with your upcoming demo............I am sure you will make it look easy to all those who watch you. :)

Andrew Kertesz
07-30-2011, 11:11 AM
I like the stoutness of the stems and goblet sections. Not a fan of the Queen's stem combination. In the picture it looks as if the Prince's is off kilter and leaning to the side. Too much ale maybe....:D

John Keeton
07-30-2011, 11:17 AM
I think the "lean" of the goblets is related to getting too close with the camera, causing some distortion. Dick, I like the masculine look of the two larger ones - even if one is the Queen! I think the stem on the King is a winner - not sure about the combo on the Queen. Beautiful figured maple!!

I bet those did well on the Renaissance Fair circuit.

Jon Nuckles
07-30-2011, 11:48 AM
I feel the need, the need for mead! Those look positively medieval. Nicely done.

Josh Bowman
07-30-2011, 12:18 PM
Those just make you want to say....argh matey!
I really like the colors and shapes of the one on the left. Nice job.
yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum