View Full Version : Powerful marketing tool

Faust M. Ruggiero
07-24-2011, 1:24 PM
Did you ever stop to imagine how many dollars in sales volume SMC generates for the vendors whose tools become a topic of praise on this site. Oh sure there are only 20 responses sometimes so an easy assumption might be that the additional few customers is not that many. How about all the readers who read the thread but don't reply but run out a order anyway. I would love to be able to know how many new customers Pao.... or Dou.. or Vin... have because we have directed our SMC friends to them. A boring rig is a major expense. How may were sold as a direct response to the well deserved praise heaped on Ran....P...
These guys all deserve our support because they make good products that enhance our efforts. But our "gloats" and supportive threads are an advertisement better than any vendor could buy.
Keep the good products coming, Vendors. We'll do our share to spread the good work.

Harvey Ghesser
07-24-2011, 1:39 PM
"These guys all deserve our support because they make good products that enhance our efforts. But our "gloats" and supportive threads are an advertisement better than any vendor could buy.
Keep the good products coming, Vendors. We'll do our share to spread the good work.
faust "

I like your way of thinking, Faust! By supporting the manufacturers of products we use, we only enable our skills to grow and improve because new and better tools are produced. I'm convinced.

Michael James
07-24-2011, 1:49 PM
Word of mouth advertising is a businessman's best (or worst) source of advertising. It's very old school to offer quality product at a fair price, and provide the follow up we need to enjoy our purchases. I do it locally, and have bought products mentioned here by turner's I respect and trust. As I kid I worked in a music store and the slogan was, "take care of the customer and the customer will take care of you".

Jerry Rhoads
07-25-2011, 8:37 AM
Good thread Faust.
I don't post a lot, but do enjoy getting information about tools and personal use. I especialy like reading about tools and supplies made in the USA.

This country was built on industry, but it is slipping away.


Bernie Weishapl
07-25-2011, 10:15 AM
Great thread Faust. I have a Antique Clock restoration shop although I do restore modern clocks to but I have never spent one penny on ad's. As all have said if you do quality work you don't need to spend money because the customer will take care of that.

Kenny Jacobson
07-25-2011, 4:17 PM
Even if a person is not a "creeker", creeker posts frequently show up in google searches (that's how I became aware of the site in the first place). So even when someone is doing research on a particular tool, related SMC threads will show up in the search results. So I agree, SMC is very powerful publicity.