View Full Version : miniGlaser tools

Harvey Ghesser
07-24-2011, 9:55 AM
Since the magnetic pull of the vortex was beconing me again, I felt compelled to visit the GlaserHitec website and see what was happening there. I noticed that they now have a new link for the miniGlaser tools.

The new development is really, really sweet! (make sure you turn up the music). I can't wait to get my hands on these tools. This system is AWSOME!!....no allen wrenches, no set screws, and tool changes seem to happen in less than a second.

I am very impressed with the quality this company is putting out and the fact that they came back "thinking outside the box". I think it's time American manufacturing steps up to the next level and I'm happy Glaser Hitec is rising to the occasion and is manufacturing high quality tools for us woodturners.

Y'all who won Glaser tools in the last drawing....whadya think?
