View Full Version : Display Racks for your Turnings

Donny Lawson
07-24-2011, 9:21 AM
Everyone here has some great looking turned pieces but I'm looking for pictures of your display racks that go with your turnings,weather it is pen racks,stopper racks,plate racks,or whatever you display your turnings on. With all my turnings I've got I do not have a single rack for display. Sounds bad but I seem to spend all my time turning instead of trying to display them. Racks can be handmade or store bought. Thanks.

Jim Underwood
07-24-2011, 10:13 AM
Are you wanting something for a sales display or for home display?

Jim McFarland
07-24-2011, 11:00 AM
Simple displays for pens & stoppers: open display with home-made acrylic add-on for stoppers and similar locking display. Trays made with 1/2" MDF, 3/4" core box slots on ~ 1" centers, lined with felt, trimmed to size and installed at ~ 10* angle. Tray idea from an IAP library tutorial.

Hayes Rutherford
07-24-2011, 12:06 PM
Donny, this set of shelves was put together for an arts and crafts show a resort restaurant puts on every holiday season. You only get one or two of their dining room tables so I cut some equal size pieces of birch out of half logs and laid some bark edge boards across them to form shelves. Someone offered to buy the shelves so when the show was over packing up was sure easy.

Mike Peace
07-24-2011, 5:21 PM
I did this built-in for my basement. If you look closely, I have one self standing plexiglass shelf someone gave me that I put boxes on to elevate them a little. I made some stands from 4" PVC with a round tops of mdf painted glossy black. They help get small items elevated a little for better display. I got the pvc idea from an old AAW symposium tape of the instant gallery. I also found a very large ornament stand on Amazon that holds 19 ornaments.

Curt Fuller
07-24-2011, 5:40 PM
How about the turning toboggan?

charlie knighton
07-24-2011, 7:48 PM
i use a variety of tables, find some at estate sales

Donny Lawson
07-24-2011, 9:13 PM
I'm looking for displays for setting up at shows like bottlestopper racks,pen displays and whatever unique stands that hold items.

James Combs
07-24-2011, 9:25 PM
I'm looking for displays for setting up at shows like bottle stopper racks,pen displays and whatever unique stands that hold items.

I have this birdhouse display on a counter at a local craft shop. It's made from a scrap drawer front (the base) and some lexan and a tree limb. There's a $5 lazy Susan on the base.

Jerry Rhoads
07-25-2011, 8:54 AM
Hi Donny, you may get some ideals from my booth202974 at a recent art show.

Rick Markham
07-25-2011, 3:42 PM
Cool displays guys! I like the built in Mike, very nice. The birch tree shelving was a brilliant idea, even more so when you consider someone bought it too :D. Great looking set up Jerry! I'm not sure how you do it Curt, but you're ideas always bring a big smile to my face, the "turning toboggan" is my favorite so far!

Donny Lawson
07-25-2011, 6:10 PM
Hi Donny, you may get some ideals from my booth202974 at a recent art show.

Jerry, that's a nice set up you have. I'm also working on a tent too. I like the stopper rack. Thanks

Jerry Rhoads
07-28-2011, 2:24 PM
Thanks Donny and Rick, I owe the display to Diane (my wife) she does everything except the turning. She has won me a Best of Show award. She tells me a lot of the display racks to make.
She is always looking at other peoples booths for ideas also. So some of our designs spun off of others.
