View Full Version : Using a finish as a bonding/hardner

Scott Hackler
07-22-2011, 12:36 PM
I am putting the finishing work on a piece for the contest over at Woodturners America and was wondering what everyones thoughts were on different finished that would or could stabilize, thin very fragile wood. I am not looking for something to turn it into concrete, but something that would help stiffen up the fibers of Osage Orange so I am less likely to worry about breaking it. Oh, and it has to have a matte finish because there is NO way to really knock down the finish without breaking something.

I thought about using my mixute of 50% lean shellac, because it realy soaks in and drys quick, but dont know if there is any "bonding" properties.

Without pictures .... (yet :) ) imagine 1/16" THIN and looks like lace........

Dennis Ford
07-22-2011, 12:49 PM
Either shellac or lacquer will stiffen the fibers somewhat on punky wood. I have never seen any osage that needed that.

Dane Fuller
07-22-2011, 2:29 PM
Al Neighbors turned me onto a lacquer wash of 65/35 thinner/lacquer. He said the formula he got was 80/20 but he "tweaked" it. I put some on a finish sanded bowl the other day and buffed it with a clean cloth. The color was deepened and it was NOT a gloss finish. I really liked it.

Scott Hackler
07-22-2011, 2:40 PM
Thanks fellas. I think that I will either use my dilluted shellac mix or mix up some thinned lacquer. The osage orange is a tough wood, but I am pushing it's limits with this piece being how thin it is and that there is more air than wood (from the piercings!), so I am wanting anything that is possibly able to "stiffen" up the piece and not cause me headache from the need to buff it out.

I sure will be glad to get this one done. It's been pretty stressful trying to NOT break it after all the hours worth of work.

John Keeton
07-22-2011, 2:59 PM
Using acetone for a thinner with lacquer will increase penetration better than lacquer thinner.

Scott Hackler
07-22-2011, 3:27 PM
Which would you think would set up harder after they cure, thinned shellac or thinned lacquer??

Steve Schlumpf
07-22-2011, 3:29 PM
Hope you find something that works for you... I was going to suggest some poly thinned way down with DNA. Once dry - which shouldn't take real long - then you could spray with with a matte acrylic to cut any gloss.

Bernie Weishapl
07-22-2011, 10:21 PM
Scott a couple of times I have did like John suggested. Used acetone and lacquer on places I got a little thin. Worked pretty good.

Scott Hackler
07-22-2011, 10:41 PM
Well I guess I will need to go to the store tomorrow and get some lacquer that isn't in a rattle can!

Dane Fuller
07-22-2011, 11:51 PM
Please do! I'm getting antsy to see it...:D