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Adrian Hill
07-21-2011, 3:50 PM
I must admit, being seriously lateral thinking and totally multi-focused (ok un-focused) I am quite happy to follow a thread wherever it takes us. As far as I am aware that is exactly what brainstorming is about. I am glad there is a forum like this available where experts and novices can exchange ideas. I think it is just as helpful to mull over bad ideas as it is good ideas! So please go ahead and add your 2c and "singing in the bath":D

Martin Boekers
07-21-2011, 4:04 PM
Some of the most insights and usable ideas posted here are those that have "strayed" from the thread.

Brainstorming is one of the best ways to figure out a solution. Keep the ideas that work and toss the rest. :cool:

Mike Null
07-21-2011, 4:55 PM
Before we agree to this concept by just ignoring it we do need to try to keep things a bit on track. We are pretty loose here but we do have to try to keep things somewhat organized.

Martin Boekers
07-21-2011, 5:02 PM
That's why we have you guys! Our moderators! You are the lucky ones to keep us in line!:D

Can we stray from a thread about straying from a thread? Just trying to lighten it aup a bit
I think this heat is starting to affect me. :o

Jiten Patel
07-22-2011, 4:28 AM
Well it's raining in London, so Martin, please send some of that heat over here.

People need to understand that a forum is a place for like minded people who share similar interests to discuss things! Discussions often divulge from their intended topic, but that's what makes things interesting. I mean I try to talk to my wife about lasers, production and creativity all the time, but it usually ends up with her talking about shopping or me being wrong about something. It is something I have learnt to accept! But I agree, straying too far away is a little disrespectful to the original poster who is obviously after some help. If it strays too much, maybe a new topic is in order.

Back to singing in the shower, I like to hum nursery rhymes with twinkle twinkle being my favourite! :)

Dan Hintz
07-22-2011, 5:56 AM
Short strays from the topic are often used to interject a bit of humor, sometimes in a thread that desperately needs it, and thing usually wander back to the main road. Huge strays sometimes happen, but that can also be caused by people remaining interested in a topic who may (or may not) have something useful to add at a later date, bt they don't currently have anything to add so they "hang around". Very similar to what happens in a real conversation between a group of people at a party... a few people argue a point, those standing around do small talk, but their ears are still in the conversation for when it comes back to something they can add to. Only the most egregious strays should be culled...

It was so hot here yesterday my hair burst into flames...

Keith Outten
07-22-2011, 7:56 AM
While it is customary to follow the topic of a thread to respect the OP's intent it is certainly acceptable to brainstorm if that is the goal. I suggest that you add the word Brainstorm to the header of your thread which will let everyone know that your thread is open for that style activity.

From a Moderator's point of view threads that include multiple people shooting from the hip so to speak can be cause for concern. As long as people reailize that a brainstorming session is going on and that partial ideas are flowing freely everyone needs to have a bit thicker skin and not be offended easily.

No matter what the intent a saloon brawl won't be tolerated here as you already know. Our Moderators are generally supportive of any thread that remains Friendly because that is what the majority of this Community expect. Let me misquote Spock "The needs of the many by far outweigh the wants of a few".

Jiten Patel
07-22-2011, 9:20 AM
But none outweigh the needs of Jit! No I'm only kidding. It would be nice though, but saying that so would a couple of hundred of million pounds, but oh well!

Michael Kowalczyk
07-22-2011, 12:56 PM
Well I am sure glad this has been put to rest!!!:rolleyes:

Jiten, your right behind me. I'll save your spot as you play with your Galvo.

Adrian, I'm glad you redirected this to it's own post. Like Kieth said "everyone needs to have a bit thicker skin" and a little humor can go a long ways as long as it is not intended to be hurtful. That's why we have moderators. After their 17 hour day of work to keep the lights on and food on the table then they come on here and read everyone's posts and try to keep it civil and in compliance with the ToS. My hats off to each of you for your dedication.

Chuck Stone
07-22-2011, 6:55 PM
I think that as a rule, these threads tend to follow the same course as
most conversations would. Take any group of people standing around
talking about a given subject, and that conversation will tend to wander.
In fact, that's necessary. If it stayed directly on course, it wouldn't be a
conversation any more. If it was all one sided, it would be a lecture.
Two sided, it would be an interrogation.