View Full Version : timbermate

David Fielding
07-21-2011, 3:35 PM
anyone want to share their experience with Timbermate filler? Can it be stained?

Robert LaPlaca
07-21-2011, 8:17 PM
I wasn't too impressed with Timbermate, but in fairness to the product... I was using water based dye, the water based dye reconstituted the Timbermate enough to cause an issue on some trial scraps, so it was never used for real.. So your mileage may vary if you are using a more typical oil based or Gel stain... It also smells really particular...

Brett Robson
07-21-2011, 8:50 PM
I've used it with good results providing you're not using a water based stain/dye. I like that it doesn't leave a blotch that shows up after you stain like the plastic wood stuff can if you don't get the extra thoroughly sanded away. It is pretty porous so it'll absorb lots of stain and show up as a dark spot.

For use in an obvious spot I prefer to use sawdust from my material and some white Elmer's glue. It blends in better and takes stain a little more like the surrounding wood.