View Full Version : First Sales!

Kenny Jacobson
07-18-2011, 3:40 PM
So remember when everyone helped me out a couple weeks ago on the ins and out of selling my bowls that where in the San Diego County Fair? (here) (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?168857-Question-About-Contacting-Potential-Customers)

Well, I sold both!

The first two people I contacted last week wanted to buy at my asking price and they've both been shipped off. The deals were struck last week, but I wanted to want until the money was actually in my bank before I posted. Now, I'll be contacting the others on the list to say "sorry, that bowl is sold, but if you like, I can show you some others I've made..."

It sure would be nice if this new addiction of mine could at least pay for itself at some point :eek:

David E Keller
07-18-2011, 3:43 PM
Congrats, Kenny! If you figure out a way to make this thing pay for itself, please let me know!

Scott Hackler
07-18-2011, 3:57 PM
That is awesome Kenny. I don't really know what its like to sell a piece (other than a $25 pen), but I am sure it makes your time very rewarding. Congrats again!

Rich Aldrich
07-18-2011, 9:58 PM
Kenny - Congrats. All this does is help feed the addiction. It is so much fun ..... watchout for those gloat posts for new tools now that you have a little more money in your pocket.

Steve Schlumpf
07-18-2011, 10:05 PM
Kenny - congrats on your sales! I hope they are the first of many!

Michael James
07-18-2011, 11:33 PM

Doug Reesor
07-19-2011, 8:57 AM
It still feels amazing to me when someone is actually willing to pay for my work. It sure feeds the woodturning addiction. Congratulations

Bernie Weishapl
07-19-2011, 9:59 AM
Congrats Kenny. If you figure out how to make this turning thing pay for itself I am all ears.

Jim Burr
07-19-2011, 10:25 AM
Nice Kenny!! Start crankin' em out!!

wes murphy
07-19-2011, 11:01 AM
Glad to hear of the sales, Kenny.

Ed Morgano
07-19-2011, 4:51 PM
You mean people acutally buy the things we make.... WOW, what a concept. Congratulations!