View Full Version : Bench top finish options

John Gregory
02-16-2005, 2:55 PM
Another thread discussed bench dog options. I almost high jacked that thread :D
I am just completing a new workbench. The top is hard maple. What would be your choice of finish and why. I think this has been discussed before, but using search I could not find much discussion. My bench will be used for lots of purposes, hand tools, power tools, assembly, etc. I have two vises, twin screw on the end and a 7" record vise on the side. Both have wooden jaws that I made. I would like the finish on the top to be easy to keep clean of sawdust and any glue that may drip on it.

Thanks in advance for your comments.


PS I use Brass bench dogs from Vertias (round). Two rows for each vise.

James Biddle
02-16-2005, 3:27 PM
Sounds like you're describing the bench I'm building. The recommendations I've received so far are either BLO or Watco Natural. Also, finish both sides of the top to help prevent warping.

Steven Wilson
02-16-2005, 4:26 PM
I use shellac (very light build) and then just renew the finish when needed.

Hank Knight
02-16-2005, 4:29 PM
John, I just finished my maple top bench. Several people recommended that I use a tongue oil finish instead of BLO. Its supposed to be a lot tougher than BLO and it's easy to repair or refinish - just sand and reapply. Several recommended Waterlox Original which is a tongue oil finish that can be wiped on. I used a pure tongue oil finish with some added dryers sold by Highland Hardware, but I can't remember the name of it right now (I'm away from my shop, so I can't look it up for you). It was easy to apply (I wiped it on) and it builds to a nice finish. I think I put 5 coats on my bench top. I used wipe on Poly for the oak base. I put a water-based filler on the oak and sealed it with Seal Coat before the Poly, but none of that is necessary for the top. Just pour on the tongue oil, wipe it off and let it dry. Recoat as many times as you think necessary.
Good luck with whatever you choose.