View Full Version : Japan Drier

Gil Knowles
07-17-2011, 4:26 PM
I was just wondering if anyone has added japan drier to BLO or tung oil to speed up the drying process. If so what were the results? Just curious I bought some japan drier but have not used any of it yet.
Many Thanks

Chris Fournier
07-17-2011, 6:13 PM
I never mix up my BLO based finishes without using Japan Dryer! Go with the guidelines on the dryer bottle and experiment from there. Too much of this good thing and you can get a compromised finish film.

Steven Hsieh
07-17-2011, 8:20 PM
BLO already has metallic driers, dont know why you would put in more.

Chris Fournier
07-18-2011, 1:32 AM
Simply put you can further speed up the drying time. I mix my own BLO varnish blends and the Japan Dryer makes a marked difference in drying time.