View Full Version : DVD opinions, everyone has one but are these good?

Jon Prouty
07-17-2011, 1:42 AM
Hi all,

With the AZ heat keeping me out of the shop, I figure now is the time to get some DVDs to keep me happy. I have Grumbine's first bowl video and like it but am ready for the next levels. I have already done some hollow forms, many bowls, etc. I made my articulated hollower... I am ready for a form on a stick and other cool projects.

Narrowed it down to three I think:
Drozda's Elegant Finials (looks a bit dated and dry but technically good)?
Mahoney's Hollow forms and lidded urns (I like the preview I have seen)
Clews Turn it on set. (again I like the preview I saw)

Are there any others (preferably newer, with articulated hollowing tools) that I should check out?

Thanks for the help... Don't want to waste cash on poor DVDs.


John Keeton
07-17-2011, 7:41 AM
Of the three mentioned, I have watched only the Drozda and your assessment is correct - dry but informative. However, there is much about finials that is not covered in the DVD, and I would encourage you to simply study the composition of finials done by the many great turners out there that do them. I gained more from that than from the DVD. There is some technique involved, and the DVD does a fairly good job with that. There is not much else out there on finials.

Dave Schweitzer has some new DVDs (http://www.d-waytools.com/woodturning-fundamentals-dvd.html)out - a 3 hour set for $35. I was fortunate enough to see the preview of those, and they were great. I suspect the edited and available ones are even better, and the price is very reasonable. Dave is a great demonstrator with a comfortable style - and, he doesn't move too fast like Raffan. Dave does some nice finial work, as well, but I do not know if any of it is on this set.

Jon, I should mention - there are hours of YouTube stuff out there - some good, some not so much! But, a lot of it is informative.

Jim Burr
07-17-2011, 9:22 AM
I have the Mahoney video and it is great! You can tell it's a little dated in his comment about using a laser.

Jeff Nicol
07-17-2011, 9:41 AM
I have all the Jimmy Clewes series of dvd's and you can't go wrong for information on all aspects of each project he turns. He is so natural and easy to watch and to grasp what he is doing. When I met him at the AAW Symposium, he is exactly the same way in person, maybe a little more enthusiastic in fact! I have some old VHS tapes of Richard Raffen that I like and Mike Mahony's McNaughton DVD and Reed Grays Mcnaughton DVD but I think they all will have things to offer.

I think you can find little clips from most of them on the web that may help you decide a little more, have fun!


Faust M. Ruggiero
07-17-2011, 9:44 AM
I have two of the three. I have Clews Turnaround but not the one you mentioned. John is correct about Cindy's being a bit dry. She is an amazing turner but not every turner can entertain while teaching you. That shouldn't stop you from buying it if you have an interest in turning finials. Clews, on the other hand is blessed with both skills. I met him and his personality shows in his video. Mike Mahony has made several terrific videos and I highly recommend them. The thing is this, good turners are just fun to watch, especially when you are stuck in the house. I drive my wife crazy watching them since she has little appreciation for turning videos.
I own Ellsworth's videos as well as Bill Grumbine's. I like them all. I also own a few that I use in place of a sleeping pill. I won't mention those here.

David E Keller
07-17-2011, 11:27 AM
I'd pass on the Drozda DVD... Her turnings are very nice, but I didn't particularly enjoy or take much from her DVD's. I've got every DVD that Clewes has done, and they're easily my favorites. I've got a couple of Mahoney's, and they're a close second to Jimmy's. I'll have to look into Dave Schweitzer's videos... He certainly turns out some nice stuff! Since I don't have ready access to a club, I get most of my instruction from DVDs.

If you haven't seen Bob Hamilton's youtube series or Capt. Eddie Castelin's collection, I'd recommend you look them up... There are hours and hours of stuff between the two of them.

Jon Prouty
07-17-2011, 11:45 AM
Thanks all - YouTube has some gems and some junk, it takes a while to sift the wheat from the chaff. I have seen all of Bobs videos and the Captains and while good and I've learned a lot, I hope a professional production video will help with closeups on tool presentation and the little things that are hard to see on YouTube videos. I think I'll pass on the Drozda for now and try Jimmy's videos first. I'll keep waiting on the mobile DVDs and try to catch Drozda then.


Justin Stephen
07-17-2011, 3:59 PM
Second David's recommendation of Bob Hamilton's Youtube videos. One thing his videos drive home is how many fine, adjustment cuts it can really take to finally achieve the form you want while, ironically, at the same time there is a point when you just have to say "good enough."

Bob Bergstrom
07-17-2011, 5:00 PM
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB0131BBD59FB17FOne of the North Carolina clubs posted a 2 hour demo with Ray Key turning a bowl. Entertaining and informative.

Bernie Weishapl
07-17-2011, 7:07 PM
I have all of Mahoney's and they are good IMHO. I also have Raffans and like them as well.

David E Keller
07-17-2011, 7:08 PM
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB0131BBD59FB17FOne of the North Carolina clubs posted a 2 hour demo with Ray Key turning a bowl. Entertaining and informative.

I just spent a couple of hours watching the series... Thanks for the link!

Jon Prouty
07-17-2011, 7:10 PM
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB0131BBD59FB17FOne of the North Carolina clubs posted a 2 hour demo with Ray Key turning a bowl. Entertaining and informative.

Thanks Bob... I'll be adding this to my list to watch.


Jon Prouty
07-17-2011, 7:17 PM
Just got done watching Jimmy Clewes "Turn it On" first project on volume 1.... Must say that this is already the best video purchase I have ever made. It is so important to see the dynamic video experience compared to pictures. Jimmy's style is very relaxed and comfortable. His explanations are easy to understand and make sense.

I can't wait to watch more... my 20 month old daughter woke up and in her subtle way demanded that Jimmy go night night so that she can watch Veggie Tales. Bob and Larry are not woodturners so back to the creek until she goes to bed tonight. lol

I highly recommend this Jimmy Clewes video set after only one project.