View Full Version : Segmented Questions

Steve Mellott
07-16-2011, 8:54 PM
I'd like to turn a segmented vase but have several questions.

What material do you typically use for the bottom? It seems that a piece of veneered plywood might be best to prevent expansion and contraction, but I don't know if this is necessary.

How do you attach the bottom? Do you glue it into a recess or do you use some process so it will float? Once again, I'm not sure if I have to be concerned about expansion and contraction.

Finally, how thin do you normally turn a segmented vessel? Do you leave it a little thicker than a regular solid vessel?

I suspect these are fairly basic questions, but I've never turned a segmented vase before. Thanks.


Bill Bukovec
07-16-2011, 10:42 PM
Malcolm Tibbetts can show you how he does it.



Larry Marley
07-17-2011, 12:02 AM
Hi Steve,
I would use a single solid piece if the bottom is less than 3" in diameter. Just make sure the wood has acclimated to ambient moister content. for floating bottoms, I use a method similar to Malcolm's. I just assemble to half rings and mount them to a faceplate with turners tape and cut a groove to accept a floating base. Apply finish to the floating base before installing it into the ring. I use a couple drops of titebond on the center of the end grain of the floating base to prevent rattle, this will still allow it to expand cross grain. See pics.

Robert McGowen
07-17-2011, 2:03 AM
I do the bottoms using the method that Tibbett's describes. That is just a personal choice, as the method that Larry shows above is great also.
As far as the thickness, I don't think that you need to go thicker because it is segmented. If anything, I think that the thinner the wall is, the less that the piece will be effected by wood movement. YMMV

Michelle Rich
07-17-2011, 8:11 AM
If you use ply for a large bottom, the wood on top expands and contracts, so you have achieved nothing! use solid to about 4 inches. Use floating after that. The thinner the stacked sides the less they will expand & contract...tho my guess is that generally segmented are ususally thicker. Get 2 books: Malcolm Tibbets, and The Ray Allen..they will have answers to these and many many more questions

Steve Mellott
07-18-2011, 6:33 PM
Thanks very much for the information.
