View Full Version : New Turnings

Bernie Weishapl
07-15-2011, 10:27 PM
Well finally got some turning in this week after being on the road over a month. These are commissioned pieces that a lady wanted. The first being a cheese platter with dome which is 15 1/4" X 2", a Elm salad bowl which is 13" X 5", and a Oak change bowl for her husband which is 7 1/2" X 3 1/2". The salad platter and salad bowl are finished with gloss waterlox. The first coat was flooded on each piece. The last 4 coats were thin and wiped on. The Oak bowl is finished with Anitque oil and still needs a couple of more coats. She agreed to $250 for the 3. I was happy with that.

Baxter Smith
07-15-2011, 10:32 PM
Congrats on the commisions Bernie! Pretty stuff!

Ted Calver
07-15-2011, 10:32 PM
Mighty nice, Bernie!! I sure do like the grain on that elm.

Pete Jordan
07-15-2011, 10:36 PM
Nice job Bernie!

Congrats on the sales!

Michael James
07-15-2011, 10:47 PM
Nice stuff Bernie! I especially like the cheese platter. I used to get those round marble inserts from woodcraft (local RIP) and make coaster sets.
Glad to see you're getting gas money for your troubles and travels!

Dane Fuller
07-15-2011, 10:58 PM
Nice stuff Bernie. I especially like the cheese platter.

David E Keller
07-15-2011, 11:17 PM
Congrats on the sales, Bernie! Nothing like a little tool money, huh?

Bernie Weishapl
07-16-2011, 1:07 AM
Thanks again. I think if this lady likes these as much as I think she will they may be more.

Yep David the extra money is nice. These have paid for the Ci0 and the Ci3 hollowing tool which is really nice for small turnings.

Eric Holmquist
07-16-2011, 6:31 AM
Congratulations on the commission, I really like that Elm bowl

Keith E Byrd
07-16-2011, 7:00 AM
COngrats on the sale! And they are nice pieces! I really like the cheese platter!

Michelle Rich
07-16-2011, 7:20 AM
congrats on the sale Bernie..

John Keeton
07-16-2011, 7:26 AM
Bernie, enough of all these "atta boys" - all I gotta say is - about time you stayed home and produced some turnings!! Seems like for the last two months you have been sitting somewhere soaking up a breeze on a beach, sipping a cool drink!!!

Nice work, and congrats on the sales - the price was VERY reasonable, edging on ridiculously cheap!

Bernie Weishapl
07-16-2011, 8:36 AM
Bernie, enough of all these "atta boys" - all I gotta say is - about time you stayed home and produced some turnings!! Seems like for the last two months you have been sitting somewhere soaking up a breeze on a beach, sipping a cool drink!!!

Nice work, and congrats on the sales - the price was VERY reasonable, edging on ridiculously cheap!

Thanks again to all.

Yes John it was nice. Sitting on the beach with the LOML (44 yrs), drinking a glass of wine in the cool breeze was great. I wish I could get more for my turnings but in this area it is pretty tough to demand more especially with the economy the way it is and we are having a drought so the farmers which is what makes up most of the economy here are being cautious with there money. My sales at the gallery are down some but tourist are about the only ones buying now. So as long as I can buy wood, tools, etc I am happy.

cal thelen
07-16-2011, 9:14 AM
they all look great but i vote for the cheese platter also

Bernie Weishapl
07-16-2011, 11:19 PM
Thanks Cal. The cheese platters are a lot of fun and pretty easy to do.

Cathy Schaewe
07-20-2011, 11:40 AM
They're very pretty - congrats on the sale! Here's to many more -

charlie knighton
07-20-2011, 11:47 AM
great to hear about the sales, good looking pieces, my favorite is the cheeze tray with dome

Harvey Ghesser
07-20-2011, 12:00 PM
How did I miss this??

Congrats on the sales, Bernie! Nice work! I really like the cheese dish and might steal it!:cool:

Jerry Rhoads
07-21-2011, 6:33 AM
Nice pieces Bernie, I like the cheese platter a whole lot. Good looking finish


Tony De Masi
07-21-2011, 7:15 AM
Nice work and congrats on the sales Bernie. How is that elm to turn? I just picked up a few pieces but haven't gotten to it yet.

Tom Hamilton
07-21-2011, 7:20 AM
Bernie, congrats on the commission and the nice pieces. I agree with John: the customer got a bargain.

Keep 'em coming,

Tom, in Douglasville, thinking making a deposit is a good thing!