View Full Version : shop temps

Robert McGowen
07-14-2011, 8:15 PM
I have been working on a segmented vase today. The humidity is so low and the shop temp so high that the glue dries where I can sand the rings in about 15 minutes. The thermometer is sitting on my workbench. Anyone else turning in the summer heat?


Nate Davey
07-14-2011, 8:20 PM
It was only 96 in my garage...but the humidity was 75%. CA dries REAL quick

David E Keller
07-14-2011, 8:28 PM
72 degrees in the shop... Spray foam and a heat pump installed just this spring. It's been over 100 here everyday, and I wouldn't be in the shop without the extras. It wasn't cheap, but I'd have to say it's one of the better expenditures I've ever made.

Chris Colman
07-14-2011, 8:47 PM
Temps here have been in the upper 90's, humidity sky high.

I was working on a cherry clock for the wife last week. I had to put it aside because I was sweating so much, and the sweat was discoloring the cherry.

I roughed out some black walnut bowls. When I was done I went inside and showered. That is when I noticed that where the walnut dust had accumulated on my sweaty arms I had been stained a dark purple brown. Had to scrub it with comet to get it off.

The things a guy will do satisfy that spinning addiction...

Chris Burgess
07-14-2011, 8:48 PM
Been pushing 104 with 90% Humidity. But the breeze off the lathe keeps me cool.

Michael James
07-14-2011, 8:50 PM
I'm getting wimpy in my later yrs...... been around 100 here, so during the weekday evenings light putzing or nothing. Weekends I just start in the morning and by the time the real heat comes, I'm having too much fun to care. I do use a trend airshield, so that helps some.

Alan Trout
07-14-2011, 9:11 PM
I have a single portable AC unit in my shop. It is right at 800 sq ft. so it is on the big side for the unit. It does good enough to keep it at 79 when it is 100 outside. Not bad to work in and it does remove humidity which also helps.


Steve Schlumpf
07-14-2011, 9:14 PM
My shop temp hovers right around 65* in the summer.... it pays to have a basement shop! Also helps to have it real close to Lake Superior - which really keeps the temps low!

Kyle Iwamoto
07-14-2011, 9:19 PM
It's usally 85 or so in the summer (sunny season). In the winter, (rainy season) it gets pretty chilly. Sometimes down to 70. Those are the 2 seasons we have.

Jon Prouty
07-14-2011, 9:25 PM
110+ in the garage... Needless to say, I ain't going out there for another couple months.


charlie knighton
07-14-2011, 9:31 PM
been in high 90's this week, been under the maple tree making Alan Lacer's hook tools and doing a little carving on a piece, had been having rain showers except for today, may be able to put some poly on my other stump it it does not rain tomorrow or the next day, with shop in basement with plastic sheeting it does not take long too heat up with just light bulbs on

Baxter Smith
07-14-2011, 9:31 PM
Put in a window AC and it made me "soft".... and happy! If the thermometer reads much above 80.....:)

Harry Robinette
07-14-2011, 9:33 PM
I'm with Steve on this one, basement with walk out stays at 68 to 70 year round only draw back 8 ft ceiling.

Greg Just
07-14-2011, 9:44 PM
I also have a basement shop and it stays about 70 in the summer.

Bernie Weishapl
07-14-2011, 9:51 PM
AC on and 78* in the shop.

Thomas Canfield
07-14-2011, 10:04 PM
Glad to report that shop is holding 80F in the 100+ days. I only wish I was able to be turning some at this time, but other issues won't allow. I do have an oscillating fan hanging from the ceiling at about 8' to keep some air circulating and make the 80F very comfortable, especially with the heat from lamp at lathe.

Scott Hackler
07-14-2011, 10:39 PM
I have an undersized window unit set at 72F. If get the temp to this overnight, but with temps hovering around 100F lately the shop gets up to about 78-80F by the afternoon/early evening and by the time I leave the shop around 9:00PM its at about 85F. I need a bigger window unit or a condensor for my shop furnace!!

Ken Fitzgerald
07-14-2011, 11:15 PM
No AC here.....but we haven't seen summer yet. It was in the low 70s yesterday.....high 70s today. I have some friends who went camping and fishing. I'll bet if they weren't fishing they were hovering inside their camper with at least an electric space heater on if not their gas furnace.

David Warkentin
07-14-2011, 11:22 PM
Have my ac set on 82 and turn it down if I want to work out there. Have a heat pump in my shop. Very fortunate. BTW Dr Keller, that insulation still working?:)

James Combs
07-14-2011, 11:54 PM
It's been running in the high 80's, low 90's here the last couple weeks with high humidity although the last two days the humidity seems to have dropped a little. Shop is about 600sqft, got it insulated this past January, February. For the winter I have a small 1500watt wire spring type portable heater. At 7* outside it is a nice workable 45-50 inside. For summer I installed a small portable (hose out the window style) 7000btu AC and the shop stays at 72-73 with it set at 72. However, when it starts going above mid 90's outside then it starts to creep up but fortunately I haven't seen it go above 78. I can work pretty much the year-round without chilling to much or raising to much of a sweat. I was lucky to be able to get the shop setup with my last bit of retirement funds, I'm strapped if I need anything else though.

curtis rosche
07-15-2011, 12:06 AM
the shop i got fired from was the same temp as outside most days, we always had the windows and garage doors open to try to get air movement but it never really worked. the humidity always stayed above 85%. it wasnt always the most fun to work in on the hot days.

Dane Fuller
07-15-2011, 12:39 AM
We're somewhere between 45 & 50 days of 100+ temps. My shop is in the garage at the back of my store. It's an old shotgun style building downtown. The garage has a 12' ceiling but only bricks between it and the outside temp so it becomes an oven pretty quick.

John Keeton
07-15-2011, 7:35 AM
Temps have been in the mid 90s here with very high humidity - a little cooler the last day or so. It doesn't seem to bother me. I have a fan going and cross ventilation with the door and windows. In the winter, I work in 50* temps and find that very comfortable, too. I guess it is what one becomes accustomed to.

Faust M. Ruggiero
07-15-2011, 7:59 AM
During the warm weather I usually only have a few hours a week to work in the shop. AC makes my shop as cool a cucumber. I only turn it on when I use the shop but it over sized and cools down quickly. We're in eastern PA so our humidity is worse than the heat. It is a real extravagance but I don't feel guilty about having it. Those few hours are precious and I don't want to spend them in a sauna.

Tim Thiebaut
07-15-2011, 8:17 AM
All I am going to say is, I am ready for it to snow.....'nough said!

Scott Hackler
07-15-2011, 8:29 PM
I gave in to mother nature today. I bought a new 12,000 btu window ac to replace the 6000 btu unit. It was just not cutting it and after turning on the lathe, lights and every power tool known to man.....this woodturner could no longer take the 85-95F in the shop. This new one ought to cool things down to a very pleasant 74 or so! :)

Donny Lawson
07-15-2011, 9:28 PM
It's about 85 or so in the evenings with a high humidity. I've got a new AC unit I bought several months ago but to lazy to install it. I will have to run 220 to it.

Jeff Nicol
07-15-2011, 11:39 PM
Today it rained all day and got up to about 75 but with 100% humidity I was soaking in sweat working in the shop but just had the doors open and a fan blowing on me. I had a 6000btu AC but for some odd reason there was a reaction with the aluminium coils and they started rotting away with some gummy nasty goo and it lost it's freon. So I had to get a new one and Menards had a 10,000btu on sale so I go that and will put it in tomorrow morning before the heat goes up into the 90's. I can be sweating when it is 60 out so I need the AC to keep me from melting! It is a good thing I got the new one as for the next 7 days+ it is going to be in the 90's and I hate hot!

I would die if I could not work in the shop every day a little bit, I feel bad for those of you that are having such trouble with the heat wave,

Keep smilling,


David Reed
07-16-2011, 12:18 AM
Today we experienced highs hovering very near 68. Tomorrow is forecast to not be so brutal with highs about 65. Now my basement shop is quite a different story. Summer temps are usually at or about 58 and cooling off in the winter to about 57. A real extended cold snap and we can plummet to 52. Rain today, rain tomorrow.......
After a whirlwind trip to visit grand kids in Colorado, it's great to be back at home in the great Northwest and can't wait for summer.

Robert McGowen
07-16-2011, 11:28 AM
It is a good thing I got the new one as for the next 7 days+ it is going to be in the 90's and I hate hot!

The weather forecast here said that it was going to COOL OFF INTO THE 90's for a couple of days towards the end of the week before jumping back into the 100's.