View Full Version : 2nd hollow form with finish...

Russell Eaton
07-13-2011, 7:25 AM
This is the Tulip Poplar hollow form from a few days ago. I got 5 coats of lacquer on it. I have a question about a finial. How tall should I make it? The form is about 3.5" tall and 5" round. Any comments are welcome. I am going to do another one with a little more "lift" at the bottom and a raised opening at the top. Thanks for any help. Russell

Bill Bolen
07-13-2011, 10:17 AM
I start off with a finial height 1/3 to 1/2 of the widest part of the form and adjust from there.

Chris Burgess
07-13-2011, 10:31 AM
For the Finial I could not say as I am in the same boat. The form, however, is great. I really like poplar.

John Keeton
07-13-2011, 2:39 PM
Russell, I am not sold on the idea for a finial for this one (which turned out quite nice, BTW!) But, if I did, I would probably look at something at about 2.5". I think the problem, however, is that you have a fairly "rotund" form, and it may be difficult to get a finial to appear correctly proportioned. I would be tempted to do something other than the typical finial - perhaps a little more mass in the lower portion. Just my thoughts.