View Full Version : My new CBN grinding wheel

Roger Chandler
07-11-2011, 3:21 PM
Okay, my new CBN grinding wheel from D-Way tools arrived a bit ago.......very quick service from Dave at D-way!!!

I installed it on my Steel City VS grinder [same as the Delta vs grinder, just different label] took all of 2 minutes to get it balanced. I forgot to order the bushing kit, but Dave being the great guy he is, included one in my package! Also, the videos Dave has on his website about the CBN wheel and installing it on the grinder were a great help!

I took the time to sharpen a 5/8 cryo bowl gouge, and a Doug Thompson detail gouge..........let me tell you, it is sweet! Scary sharp, with very light pressure against the wheel.......actually, the weight of the tool is plenty enough with out pushing to grind........just hold against the wheel, and let the abrasive do its work.

I took a couple of minutes to chuck up a small piece of hard maple just to see how the tool cut.........boy.......it is really nice!

I want to say thank you to Dave at D-way tools.........his service was superior, and he went out of his way to do this customer right! Very timely shipping and I can say I look forward to perhaps getting other items from him!

Scott Hackler
07-11-2011, 3:50 PM
All you guys are gonna cost me more money! I looked at these in St Paul and ALMOST pulled the trigger. Now I wish I would have, but it would have been at the expense of one of the other "toys" I bought. Maybe, if I go to SWAT, I will be looking a bit harder.

Maybe using one of these would eliminate my obsession to diamond hone all my tools after taking them off the grinder.

Dale Bright
07-11-2011, 4:31 PM
I placed an order for a 180 grit wheel from Dave, last night, and I got an email at 2:20 this afternoon, that it is already on the way to me. That is great service.


Jim Adkins
07-11-2011, 4:40 PM
IIRC, Dave told me he was'nt going to SWAT. I came really close to "popping" for one myself but.......Did'nt get it done. Too much stuff to look at/buy at St. Paul. Maybe he will chime-in and let us know one way or another. He really needs to go!!!

David E Keller
07-11-2011, 5:13 PM
IIRC, Dave told me he was'nt going to SWAT. I came really close to "popping" for one myself but.......Did'nt get it done. Too much stuff to look at/buy at St. Paul. Maybe he will chime-in and let us know one way or another. He really needs to go!!!

I think he'd sell at least two wheels at SWAT, Jim... Not sure that's enough to seal the deal for him. What if I promised to get a couple of those beading tools as well? If he's not going, I may have to break down and order one. You people are killing me!

Scott Hackler
07-11-2011, 5:16 PM
I think he'd sell at least two wheels at SWAT, Jim... Not sure that's enough to seal the deal for him. What if I promised to get a couple of those beading tools as well? If he's not going, I may have to break down and order one. You people are killing me!

Amen to that!

Harvey Ghesser
07-11-2011, 5:29 PM
I told you so....I told you so.... I told you so...neener, neener, neener!!:D:D:D

Roger Chandler
07-11-2011, 6:30 PM
I think he'd sell at least two wheels at SWAT, Jim... Not sure that's enough to seal the deal for him. What if I promised to get a couple of those beading tools as well? If he's not going, I may have to break down and order one. You people are killing me!

Just think David.........if you go ahead and order now, with Dave's fast service, you likely can be using it before SWAT comes around! :p:D

Tim Thiebaut
07-11-2011, 7:11 PM
Diddo what Scott said, its not just the vortex costing me money its keeping up with the Jones's, Keeton's, Hacklers, Chandlers....etc...etc...oh well.....after I buy a hollowing rig, and a burn master, and a pierceing machine, .....well one of these days I will get one of those wheels...I have 2 feet so might as well just jump in with both of them!

Roger Chandler
07-11-2011, 7:36 PM
Diddo what Scott said, its not just the vortex costing me money its keeping up with the Jones's, Keeton's, Hacklers, Chandlers....etc...etc...oh well.....after I buy a hollowing rig, and a burn master, and a pierceing machine, .....well one of these days I will get one of those wheels...I have 2 feet so might as well just jump in with both of them!

Yeah Tim,

I kinda understand.........I'm a two feet kind of person myself.........I don't get involved in too many things...........I learned to trim down my interests........gave up golf.....used to be good at it, I only hunt and do woodworking now. My thing is excellence....whatever I do, I want to achieve excellence...........

I don't have to get every new tool that comes down the pike, but when something really does step up results on something as crucial as sharpening........well, I felt it was an investment..........it still costs money, but hopefully it will pay off in results. Hey Bro, I feel your pain.............I truly do! ;)

Steve Mawson
07-11-2011, 8:02 PM
Will you guys stop all this review stuff with CBN wheels:eek::eek: My turning account is E M P T Y.

Got some of the beading tools and Dave was great to work with. Couldn't be a nicer fellow to buy from, had several emails back and forth in a few hours and tools on their way next day.

Roger Chandler
07-11-2011, 8:06 PM
Will you guys stop all this review stuff with CBN wheels:eek::eek: My turning account is E M P T Y.

Got some of the beading tools and Dave was great to work with. Couldn't be a nicer fellow to buy from, had several emails back and forth in a few hours and tools on their way next day.

Why Steve.........you have an account just for turning? Wow! So far, I don't have that luxury........I got mine with gift money from LOML......our anniversary is only a few days away...[36 years]........she got a new IPhone 4!

John Keeton
07-11-2011, 8:55 PM
Roger, I knew you would love it!! Makes a huge difference in the edge.
What if I promised to get a couple of those beading tools as well?David, when you get the beading tools, get one of his diamond tools, as well. Really a handy little tool! I have found I use it a lot since picking one up in St. Paul. I like his 1/2" bowl gouge with the polished flute, too! (Had to slip in a little gloat!;):))

David E Keller
07-11-2011, 9:28 PM
Roger, I knew you would love it!! Makes a huge difference in the edge.David, when you get the beading tools, get one of his diamond tools, as well. Really a handy little tool! I have found I use it a lot since picking one up in St. Paul. I like his 1/2" bowl gouge with the polished flute, too! (Had to slip in a little gloat!;):))

Shameless! You folks have already delayed my retirement by a number of years, and there's no end in sight!

Jeff Nicol
07-11-2011, 9:47 PM
Heck it is only money! You can't take it with you but you can leave a great legacy of turnings behind! I want to try one too, but I have to find a way to do it cheap, cheap, cheap!! So now that I can think clearly again after the Idoho trip I will add that to my list of things. I also really liked the set up that Stuart Batty had in his display at the symposium with the sanding belts. They make CBN type belts too so it may be little more reasonable than the wheel, but maybe not. Just want a belt thingy to try!

Note to self.......sell more stuff!!


Rich Aldrich
07-11-2011, 9:59 PM
You know, it isnt the vortex that sucks the money out of my wallet. It is you guys getting new stuff and talking about it.:eek::D Or maybe that is what causes the vortex - here I always thought it was from the spinning action of the lathe.

Roger Chandler
07-11-2011, 10:01 PM
You know, it isnt the vortex that sucks the money out of my wallet. It is you guys getting new stuff and talking about it.:eek::D

Why, Rich............I, I don't know what to say! :rolleyes:

Dave Schweitzer
07-12-2011, 5:29 PM
IIRC, Dave told me he was'nt going to SWAT. I came really close to "popping" for one myself but.......Did'nt get it done. Too much stuff to look at/buy at St. Paul. Maybe he will chime-in and let us know one way or another. He really needs to go!!!

Jim, great to meet you and your family. I will not be there it takes me a long to get ready for on of these shows, and I am married.

charlie knighton
07-12-2011, 8:57 PM
I also really liked the set up that Stuart Batty had in his display at the symposium with the sanding belts

Jeff, i really had to remind myself to close my mouth every time i went by

http://woodturning.org/tools/ $1800 ???

and it was not only the tools

Roger Chandler
07-13-2011, 4:03 PM
After sharpening some more of my gouges......1/2 inch Sorby bowl gouge, and a 3/4 inch Thompson u-flute bowl gouge, I can say a couple of things:

1. I have never gotten the edge on that 3/4 inch Thompson to my liking, and now it has a superior bevel and edge! That CBN wheel just put a keen edge [really sharp] and smooth bevel on that thing. I was using a 120 grit Norton 3x, but this CBN is far superior in edge and smoothness of the bevel.

2. I like not having dust! Only metal particles at the base of the grinder, no grinding wheel dust......also not having to true up the wheel is a great plus. I think this thing should last a lifetime. My other wheels were costing over $100 and having to replace them about once every 12-18 months.......this CBN wheel will be a money saver in the long run.

I am actually looking forward to getting to all my scrapers, etc, and putting a fresh edge on them. I just thought information like this would be helpful to those who read this forum. If you are considering an upgrade for your grinder, I don't see how you could go wrong with the CBN set up.

To say that I am impressed with the performance would be understating the case....this is just good stuff!

Scott Hackler
07-13-2011, 4:13 PM
Keep rubbing it in......lol!

Roger (and other spoiled CBN users), do you feel that the edge off this wheel is similar to a edge on a tool that comes off the grinder and then is honed with a diamond stone?? Just trying to get an idea of what "sharp" off the CBN wheel is like.....

I HAVE to have a razor sharp honed edge and if these wheels do it right off the grinder, that would save me a lot of time from honing.

Roger Chandler
07-13-2011, 4:31 PM
Keep rubbing it in......lol!

Roger (and other spoiled CBN users), do you feel that the edge off this wheel is similar to a edge on a tool that comes off the grinder and then is honed with a diamond stone?? Just trying to get an idea of what "sharp" off the CBN wheel is like.....

I HAVE to have a razor sharp honed edge and if these wheels do it right off the grinder, that would save me a lot of time from honing.


The only one of my tools that I diamond hone has been my Lacer skew and a couple smaller skews. I have the same diamond sharpening stone he uses. The edge off the CBN wheel has been superior to the edge on that skew; on my gouges. I have not yet tried a skew on it...to be able to compare apples to apples. I likely won't have time to do that today, but maybe in the next couple of days I can take that lacer skew and put it to the CBN wheel and report back to you.

I wasn't trying to rub it in at all.......just knew that some were wondering if it was worth the cost........I think it is an investment that will pay for itself in results and in the long run save money, because it is a lifetime wheel.

Scott Hackler
07-13-2011, 4:36 PM
...I wasn't trying to rub it in at all.......just knew that some were wondering if it was worth the cost........I think it is an investment that will pay for itself in results and in the long run save money, because it is a lifetime wheel.

I'm just messin with you. I am about 90% sure that I NEED one of these wheels and look forward to your skew comparison. :)

John Keeton
07-13-2011, 4:36 PM
...I HAVE to have a razor sharp honed edge...Scott, I have used a diamond hone a few times on my tools, but I never felt it achieved an edge that was a "have to" for me, but you may, and probably do, feel differently about that. I don't recall the grit on the hone, but the edge appears a bit more polished than what comes off the CBN.

However, I view a turning edge considerably different than I do an edge on a hand tool. I use a scary sharp board for chisels and plane blades (well, I did back when I actually used them!!!:o:D) and I hone to 2,000 and then used green compound on MDF. I could easily shave hairs with them. They were used to leave a surface that was nearly to the point of finishing without sanding.

I don't know that the dynamics of a curved surface, and a much smaller point of tool contact could provide that kind of finish regardless of the edge. So, for my purposes, there is a limit as to how sharp I need my turning tools. The CBN gets mine very, very sharp, and the edge seems to endure much longer. I can do the finial work I need to do with ease, and start sanding at 400 on blackwood. That is good enough for me. YMMV

Scott Hackler
07-13-2011, 5:03 PM
Hmmmm, interesting points John. Since i will likely be ordering one (don't know who I'm kidding with the "I don't know" talk!) I am very interested in seeing the difference. With my stock white wheels that came with the slow speed grinder, the edge ....well.... just isnt sharp and straight enough for my taste. If I take a gouge right off the grinder, now, and use it in a scraping action on dark wood... I can see tool marks from the edge. I hit it with the 600 grit diamond hone and create a "micro bevel" and the edge feels like a brand new box knife blade. Cuts a lot cleaner as well.

Bob Bergstrom
07-13-2011, 7:51 PM
I thought my upgrade from white wheels to 3x was a vast improvement. I can't imagine what the CBN must be like. I just bought a 1" Crown Pro and am still working the wings back with 46 and 80 grit wheels. If I dropped that on my toe after sharpening it with a CBN I wouldn't have a toe any longer. The thing must weigh over a pound by itself.

John Keeton
07-13-2011, 8:31 PM
1"!!!!!!:eek: :eek: Bob, you need to use an angle grinder on that sucker! That is huge! You are a pretty good size fellow and could handle that gouge - a bit much for me. I get a catch with that one, and I would end up on the other side of the shop!:D:D:D

Josh Bowman
07-13-2011, 8:39 PM
Will you guys quit bumping this back to the top? You're killing me! Just when I forget about the CBN.......there it is again.

Crud, now I replied!!!!!!! Now not only will I see here but get an email when any of you post more. There's not hope for my bank account....................

Roger Chandler
07-13-2011, 9:21 PM
Will you guys quit bumping this back to the top? You're killing me! Just when I forget about the CBN.......there it is again.

Crud, now I replied!!!!!!! Now not only will I see here but get an email when any of you post more. There's not hope for my bank account....................


You can always visit the forum with a blindfold on..........:D Oh my, I just remembered......I did not take any pics........I might just have to remedy that problem! :eek::eek::p

Roger Chandler
07-13-2011, 9:34 PM
Okay, I forgot........no pics didn't happen..........so.............


Jon Prouty
07-13-2011, 10:06 PM
Will you guys quit bumping this back to the top? You're killing me! Just when I forget about the CBN.......there it is again.

Crud, now I replied!!!!!!! Now not only will I see here but get an email when any of you post more. There's not hope for my bank account....................

Exactly... Stop it already everyone. Seriously, once Steve's new lathe comes in we're all going to be having a serious case of tool lust. This is a grinding wheel and I already can't stop thinking about ordering one. That American Beauty is going to kill me. Tool envy is a disease and I have it bad. Now a set of Glaser bowl gouges to complement the new CBN wheel and the list is complete... Yeah right. Stinking vortex. Happy turning all.


Josh Bowman
07-25-2011, 3:13 PM
Down went some more money into the vortex! "Resistance was futile"

Your package from D-Way Tools Inc is on its way. You can track it online using this tracking number.
U.S. Postal Service: 9101150134711825884537

Roger Chandler
07-25-2011, 4:18 PM
Down went some more money into the vortex! "Resistance was futile"

Your package from D-Way Tools Inc is on its way. You can track it online using this tracking number.
U.S. Postal Service: 9101150134711825884537


I would shed a tear for you, :( but as soon as you start using it, you will need someone to wipe the grin off your face! :rolleyes: So the pain of losing the money is short lived, but the pleasure of sharp tools will last for years! :D;)

Ralph Lindberg
07-25-2011, 8:00 PM
Will you guys quit bumping this back to the top? You're killing me! Just when I forget about the CBN.......there it is again.

Crud, now I replied!!!!!!! Now not only will I see here but get an email when any of you post more. There's not hope for my bank account....................

OK, BTW, it was fun watching Mike Mahoney sharpen his tools with a CBN this weekend, not certain he liked the razor edge or not (he stated he likes a jagged edge for roughing)