View Full Version : Natural edged Coffe Table (quilted maple)

John Spitters
07-10-2011, 10:30 PM
Table was built mostly from wood that was harvested by myself and a few friends. My nephew had a number of trees that needed to be taken out to make room for a new barn that was to be built. Among these trees was a very old and large big leaf maple with the center core rotted out. Prior to the tree coming down we were very hopeful that this monster would have some fiqure inside. At the base the tree measured a good 4'+ across and as luck would have it, the entire tree is quilted.

This is the second project made from that wood, the first being a small mirror frame.
To make the table somewhat different I angled the legs inward, opposite to what would be the norm.
Finish is wipe on poly,Top is 1 3/8" thick (solid of course), leg stretchers are attached with double dowels, magazine rack was built using 1/2" mortises (slats are 5/8") with the shoulders cut back to fit the mortises, this was then attached to the legs using dowels.
CC welcome


keith jensen
07-10-2011, 10:41 PM
I like the unusual leg design and the figure in the top!

Terry Beadle
07-11-2011, 11:15 AM
Those are some great joints! The wood speaks for it's self...just beautiful.

The leg design is very good IMO. It lets the top stand to the fore as it should. Be sure to put your initials and date on the bottom so some one 500 years from now will know what lasting beauty means !

Bill Rogers
07-11-2011, 11:23 AM
Wow beautiful figure on the top! It must have been a challenge to attempt to match the grain or figure on the top boards!!

Eduard Nemirovsky
07-11-2011, 12:36 PM
Beau-u-u-utiful wood and table craftsmanship. Thanks for showing.

Randy Blackstock
07-11-2011, 1:03 PM
What luck to have this fall right into your lap, awesome nice looking table, something to be very proud of, thanks for sharing it with us.


John Spitters
07-11-2011, 7:34 PM
Thanks for all the positive comments, I've uploaded a few more pics showing the table in it's new setting.
As you will notice in the background I am working on a built-in entertainment centre using some of the same wood. I'll post pics of it as well once finished.


Mark Valsi
07-11-2011, 11:29 PM
Beautiful table ! but watch out, some guitar maker is liable to come in and take a chunk out of it !!!

Pat Barry
07-12-2011, 9:11 PM
First off I have to tell you that it looks very nice and the frame is unusual and interesting. One thing that I don't care for is the apparently sharp pointed feature on the edge of the table top. I think that this is going to give somebody some pain. I think you should strongly consider grinding this down and blunting the point so someone doesn't catch their shinbone on it. Worse yet, some little kid could get a nasty bump from it.

John Spitters
07-13-2011, 2:17 AM
I think it's more of a deception from the pics that gives the illusion that there is a sharp point on the table edge. In reality it is nowwhere near "sharp" as it seems in the pics, the corners of the table present far more of a hazard than the feature on the side.
I think that this picture shows it a bit better.
