View Full Version : "Ageing" some Yellow-pine

greg Forster
07-08-2011, 8:13 PM
201081201080I'm trying to"age" some yellow pine on a little Neander back-country 1-drawer stand. I used dilute yellow Trans-Tint and t201079then Reddish-Brown, both in water. I know what I want and this is just too red.

What seems to work?

few pictures, kinda close to actual color:


Nicholas Lingg
07-08-2011, 8:37 PM
If picture #1 is the natural color it is most likely Long Leaf SYP. If you make your replacement piece from Long Leaf SYP it will turn "red" on it's own. But it take about 75 Years.

greg Forster
07-09-2011, 12:01 AM
I guess the outdoor photos show the actual color I obtained better than the one I took on the back porch. It doesn't look naked new, but it doesn't look "right" either. Anyone else try to patina pine?

James Owen
07-09-2011, 2:11 AM
Try sticking it out in direct sun light all day long for about a week or 10 days to get it aging; this works very well with cherry, douglas fir, and the western pines; it should work with SYP and related woods, as well. If you live in an area with intense UV, it will age/patina relatively quickly, otherwise, it will be a bit slower.

Terry Beadle
07-09-2011, 9:58 AM
One way to control the tone of a finish is by using asphaltum. Asphaltum is a mixture of mineral spirits and some soft roofing tar. You can buy some at HD but you need so little of it ( for a life time supply ) it might be better to try and get some from a roofer. Put a teaspoon of the tar in a half pint of mineral spirits and stir well. I use a empty mustard squirt bottle and shake it well.

Put a shellac or lacquer sealer coat on the wood. Then apply a second coat. Wait 24 hours so it's good and dry. Then use a piece of clean cotton rag and put some of the asphaltum on it. Apply a coat until it looks like you like it. If you need a darker color, let the asphaltum dry, then spray a sealer coat of lacquer or shellac. Apply another coat of asphaltum and repeat until you have what you want. You can also make the asphaltum darker by applying more tar but not a lot. You want to sneak up on your color IMO.