View Full Version : Quake and wave

Jim Burr
07-06-2011, 4:00 PM
Wanted to check on all the Aussie turners...7.8 quake N of NZ and SE of Australia with an expected sunami...keep us posted folks!

Scott J Taylor
07-06-2011, 8:10 PM
Hi All,

Thought I'd introduce myself first. Hi, I'm Scott and live in Melbourne, Australia. Been turning for a few years now and have no particular focus except to enjoy what I'm doing.

Thanks for the concern Jim, just a bit of a wobble in Melbourne. I was working on the 9th floor, it only felt like someone had dropped a weighty pallet on the floor a couple of times. There has been no damage reported anywhere. Can't speak for the guys in NZ though, the tsunami warning has been cancelled though.

Theres been a bit of earthquake activity for the last few days, hope it's not the sign of things to come. We're not really known for this sort of activity in this part of the world so hope this is the end of it.

Nice to meet you all, hope to contribute and participate a lot more.


Ken Fitzgerald
07-06-2011, 8:13 PM
Sounds like the sunami danger isn't too bad as this one was north of NZ a good distance.

I have a friend and former coworker (I am retired) who lives near Christchurch. His area has been through a lot the last 10 months!

Bernie Weishapl
07-06-2011, 8:14 PM
Welcome Scott. Lots of good people and lots of knowledge here. Glad to hear things are ok.

David E Keller
07-06-2011, 8:14 PM
Welcome, Scott! Glad to hear things aren't too bad down under... Hope to see you around a bit more!

John Keeton
07-06-2011, 9:02 PM
Scott, glad you guys are OK, and great to have you on the creek!! Be sure and share with us some of your turnings - we love pics!!

charlie knighton
07-06-2011, 9:52 PM
welcome Scott, +1 on pictures, espically wood we do not normally see

Scott J Taylor
07-07-2011, 7:32 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

For sure, will get some work photographed and uploaded as soon as possible. I've got a few projects on the go involving Redgum, Ancient Kauri, Huon Pine, Red Ironwood and some Stringy Bark. All great Aussie timbers (except for the Kauri; New Zealand). In fact we're pretty lucky in this part of the world with the timber we've got, most of it on my doorstep. Conversely I'm interested on what you all commonly use. I've turned some Cherry, Walnut and a couple of other U.S. timbers which have slipped my mind.

Hope your all enjoying your summer.
