View Full Version : When I saw this on the news........I thought about Kathy M.

Roger Chandler
07-06-2011, 8:49 AM
Check out the dust storm in the Phoenix areas........


One of our "Creekers"........Kathy Marshall immediately came to mind........hope things are well with her.

John Keeton
07-06-2011, 10:54 AM
Roger, she actually posted some pics of an incoming storm in one of her recent threads. http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?168754-Walnut-from-Doug-Swanson&highlight=monsoon

ray hampton
07-06-2011, 10:36 PM
I would not want to be caught outside during that dust storm, I hope that Kathy and other family are OK

Kathy Marshall
07-07-2011, 12:49 AM
Thanks for thinking of me! Everyone's ok, Phoenix got hit much worse than out in the boonies where I'm at. By the time it made it to my house it had lessened considerably. Still had a lot of wind, dust and some rain, but it didn't blow my shop or any of my wood pile away :D . The biggest dangers are trees coming down and being caught driving in near zero visibility, but you can usually see them coming in time to get off the road.
This was one of the worst on record, but it's a fairly common occurence here this time of year.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-07-2011, 9:08 AM
My daughter and my granddaughter and their families live in Phoenix. They had some interesting photos to show.

I experienced one of these as a child living in Blanding, UT near 4 Corners. Some friends and I were hiking out to a canyon where we rock climbed and searched for artifacts in "mokies" which are the cliff dwellings. We were on our way back to town when the dust storm hit. We seeked refuge in a ditch that had sage brush growing in it. We were about 4 feet from the dirt road. My father drove by us in a car 3 times before a slight lull in the storm allowed us to see him on the 4th pass.

Dust storms are a natural amazing event!

ray hampton
07-07-2011, 10:46 AM
Ken, was the ditch still a ditch after the storm were over ?

Ken Fitzgerald
07-07-2011, 11:18 AM
Ray....I don't know. We chased my Dad's car beating on it to get his attention. We climbed in on the downwind side guided by his gestures and left the area with him.

ray hampton
07-07-2011, 12:02 PM
tell me how do the car paint stand up to these sand storm ?

Ken Fitzgerald
07-07-2011, 12:14 PM
Ray.....maybe Kathy will answer this one.......I don't remember as my experience was in the late '50s.:confused::o:cool:

Bill Wyko
07-07-2011, 12:21 PM
I was in Phx over the holiday weekend. The day I got there it was 118 degrees. I've had times when there's been roll overs on I-10 due to dust storms. Traffic backed up so bad that people are out of their cars talking while they wait for the accidents to be cleared.