View Full Version : 1st Razor Turned

Billy Tallant
07-04-2011, 10:56 PM
I've taken a couple of months off from turning due to being busy on other projects. Decided it was time to get busy on turning again. Decided to make my dad a razor for father's day. Actually a belated gift due to making two trips to Dallas & stores being out of razor kits. Should have just ordered them. Would have been cheaper & quicker.

Decided it had to be out of antler. If you ever saw my Dad's house you would understand. Elk chandeliers, Elk lanterns, & even an elk chair that he has made. He has even made his own coffin with elk handles to carry it. So I decided to use a whitetail antler for the razor. It is mm to 12000 & then 6 coats of CA. Had to use a couple coats of CA to fill in the marrow. I decided I didn't want to use a standard chrome stand, so decided on a simple piece of antler with a notch cut out of the top. Simple but functional.


Steve Schlumpf
07-04-2011, 11:11 PM
Looks pretty cool Billy! Your Dad is going to love it!