View Full Version : Need to be dry to Finish?

Joe Vincent 63
07-04-2011, 11:21 AM
I am currently creating a bowl which originally was purchased as wet wood. Interestingly I am now making shavings instead of just sawdust (I thought it was my technique or a dull tool).

I have the outside pretty well done except for a couple of patches of nasty end grain due to figuring in the wood. Once I have that worked out, can I finish the outside and proceed with turning the inside, or do I need to let it dry before I can apply the finish? Normally I use HUT friction polish.



Michael James
07-04-2011, 11:34 AM
You didn't mention what kind of wood it is or how thick, but if it's finish turned and you don't saturate it in danish oil or something similar the wood is probably going to move on you. Once the DO is dry you can add your HUT product. Good luck,

Joe Vincent 63
07-04-2011, 11:39 AM
It is cherry wood. How long does the danish oil need to set after saturating the bowl? Do I need to saturate the entire bowl or just the outside when done, turn the inside, then saturate it was well and let set? If so, for how long?



Joe Vincent 63
07-04-2011, 11:41 AM
It is approximately 12" x 3" thick ...