View Full Version : FREE Delta bandsaw gloat

shane lyall
07-03-2011, 10:25 PM
A friend owns a roofing company and stopped by the other day. He said he is doing a job for a guy that had a saw the homeowner needed out of the way and would give it to anyone that wanted it. He said the owner just lost intrest. The job sight was only 5 miles from me so, being a sucker for free junk, I said "Ok,I'll follow you over there and look at it" I expected some sort of beat up benchtop 3 wheeler but I wasnt doing anything at the time anyway. I pulled in and he got two men off the roof to help load it. I knew I may be on to something!

I stepped in the garage to find a perfect Delta 14 inch open base with 3/4 horse that looked brand new! Owner said it still had the factory blade that came with the saw! He bought it several years ago and played with it a few days before wheeling it into a corner.

The table has a little surface rust but nothing some steel wool and Johnson's won't fix.
I know it didn't happen without a pic but the wife is out of town with the camera. I'll post them when she gets back and I get the table cleaned up. If I wax up the table now she isn't going to beleve I didn't buy this thing while she was gone! All in all the saw cost me a couple bucks in gas!

I took the table of to clean it up but heres a cell phone pic so I can get my "official you suck"

Bruce Page
07-03-2011, 10:34 PM
That's a worthy gloat. But we'll have to take your word for it... :)

mickey cassiba
07-03-2011, 10:47 PM
We believe you...

Bill Huber
07-03-2011, 11:19 PM
Let me be the first to say it..... "YOU SUCK"

You know I wonder just how much stuff is setting in basements and garages that never get used and are just going to waste.

Myk Rian
07-04-2011, 7:21 AM
Get a new blade for it. The factory blades deserve a You Suck.

Here's the freebie saw I got last year. Free is good.

200347 200348

Joe Angrisani
07-04-2011, 10:10 AM
You know I wonder just how much stuff is setting in basements and garages that never get used and are just going to waste.

I bet on "common" stuff like a 14" Delta bandsaw, that HALF of what Delta sold is sitting idle somewhere....

John TenEyck
07-04-2011, 10:12 AM
Get a new blade for it. The factory blades deserve a You Suck.

Here's the freebie saw I got last year. Free is good.

200347 200348

You suck, too, Myk. That's a wood/metal Delta - great tool. I have one which I got for free 15 years ago or so, and it's a great all round machine. How do you like the riser block? Are you able to resaw thicker stock w/o too many problems. I have a 1.5 HP motor on mine but it's pretty slow when resawing 6" oak. With that in mind, I've been thinking whether adding the riser block is worth the effort. What's your opinion? Thanks.

And to the OP, you suck as well. Enjoy the saw.

Joe Adams
07-04-2011, 10:38 AM
Never understood the "you suck" mentality so YOU ROCK!!!

Terry Beadle
07-04-2011, 10:43 AM
You are soooooooo lucky!

Time for you to head to Vegas and keep the run going !

Great Score.

Harvey Pascoe
07-04-2011, 4:33 PM
You suck, too, Myk. That's a wood/metal Delta - great tool. I have one which I got for free 15 years ago or so, and it's a great all round machine. How do you like the riser block? Are you able to resaw thicker stock w/o too many problems. I have a 1.5 HP motor on mine but it's pretty slow when resawing 6" oak. With that in mind, I've been thinking whether adding the riser block is worth the effort. What's your opinion? Thanks.

The riser block? Oh, heck yes. I bought mine new 7 years ago and then doubled the cost by adding on all the aftermarket goodies. Before I did that, I thought the saw a piece of crap. Now I do nothing but saw veneers up to 8" and it does so perfectly as long as the blade is sharp, hard stuff, too. My main complaint is the table is too small and dust collection is a very difficult proposition that I still haven't resolved despite elaborate efforts.

But if you go with the riser you will also have to get the extended guide parts too.

Myk Rian
07-04-2011, 6:24 PM
This thread is getting hijacked away from Shanes' You Suck glory, but if he puts a riser kit, and a 1/2" 3tpi Timberwolf blade on it, then tunes it up properly, 10"-12" re-sawing is not out of the question. I do it with 1/2hp. Slowly, but surely. I'm in no rush to Git er done.

shane lyall
07-04-2011, 8:45 PM
I don't mind the minor thread drift at all. Glad to hear about someone who used a riser on this saw. It saved me from searching and sifting thru the returns. This saw is a jump from my little Delta 3 wheeler and I am hoping I can do some re-sawing on it. Now my little saw will be fitted with my tiny scrolling blade and I can use this one for other opperations without blade changing hassles.

Chip Lindley
07-05-2011, 3:23 AM
"YOU SUCK!" Shane! FREE is the best GLOAT there is! And being only 5 miles from home makes it almost too good to be true! Congratulations!


Dave Mura
07-05-2011, 2:32 PM
Nice score!! Lucky!

David Hostetler
07-05-2011, 4:09 PM
Nice score. You may want to slap a higher powered motor on that, and of course clean the table, and put a decent blade in it. But yeah, that is a very nice score.