View Full Version : First Acrylic Pen

Jim Underwood
07-02-2011, 10:09 PM
I've been turning a few pens lately, mostly wood slimlines. But since ordering all those kits from Exotic Blanks, I've had a couple of freebie acrylic blanks hanging around, that I've been too timid to turn... (a big thanks to Ed of Exotic Blanks!)

But I got an "order" from SWMBO to turn the purple one for one of her friends. This friend has truly been a friend because she's called, visited, and generally checked up on us during a very difficult time in our lives. So I was quite glad to do it. But I had to get some expert tips from the guys over on the IAP forums first...

Anyway, I drilled the blanks, painted the tubes, and glued them in this past week. Today, I finally got it together and turned this thing, polished it and put it together...

It's a little more purple than this picture shows, probably because the flourescent lighting turned it all blue. It's the madreperlata purple (mother of pearl purple) acrylic imported from Italy (woo!), and a fancy slimline kit TN gold, with a comfort center band.

I'm still learning. I have yet to get a perfectly concentric pen...

John Keeton
07-02-2011, 10:13 PM
Jim, I don't do pens, but this one is nice! The title kind of drew my attention as I just turned acrylic for the first time today. I had played with it a little once before, but didn't get too far with it. Interesting stuff to turn - need sharp tools!!

Jim Underwood
07-02-2011, 10:26 PM
Yeah... definitely need sharp tools. And wet sanding with micromesh really gets the shine on... Almost don't need to buff after that. I found that buffing did help get rid of whatever scratches were left over though.

Keith Westfall
07-02-2011, 10:31 PM
I found after the 12,000 grit wet polish, using Turtle Wax Cut Polish, on a damp rag really brings up the shine and depth as well.

Mark Hix
07-02-2011, 11:15 PM
Nice pen Jim. I only did wood for a long time, now I do about 50/50. The best part is you don't have to wait for the finish to dry. Try turning the acrylic, sand to 400 or 600 and the buff w/ EEE and WD....it's easier than the wet sanding with the micromesh and you can't tell the difference between the finishes.

David E Keller
07-02-2011, 11:27 PM
That's nice, Jim. The Italian acrylics from Exotics are some of the prettiest I've seen, and you've done this one proud!

Jim Burr
07-02-2011, 11:35 PM
Well done Jim!! Plastics are not easy by any stretch of the imagination...they get chippy, unbalanced, warped...and grooved from who knows what!!! Don't even think about polishing...the heat kills the blank! Now you get to make your own blanks! You did good for a good cause. Bravo sir!!

ray hampton
07-03-2011, 2:01 PM
I've been turning a few pens lately, mostly wood slimlines. But since ordering all those kits from Exotic Blanks, I've had a couple of freebie acrylic blanks hanging around, that I've been too timid to turn... (a big thanks to Ed of Exotic Blanks!)

But I got an "order" from SWMBO to turn the purple one for one of her friends. This friend has truly been a friend because she's called, visited, and generally checked up on us during a very difficult time in our lives. So I was quite glad to do it. But I had to get some expert tips from the guys over on the IAP forums first...

Anyway, I drilled the blanks, painted the tubes, and glued them in this past week. Today, I finally got it together and turned this thing, polished it and put it together...

It's a little more purple than this picture shows, probably because the flourescent lighting turned it all blue. It's the madreperlata purple (mother of pearl purple) acrylic imported from Italy (woo!), and a fancy slimline kit TN gold, with a comfort center band.

I'm still learning. I have yet to get a perfectly concentric pen...

are they suppose to be concentric ?

Billy Tallant
07-04-2011, 2:15 AM
That is a very nice looking pen. That purple really stands out. I like working with wood but the acrylics really seems to catch peoples eye when selling them.